OK so I know I offically suck at blogging. I haven't been very good at keeping up with all my friends at posting once a week. I have been so busy. So we went back to Utah for thanksgiving and I really do have to admit, it was very nice. For once, I actually enjoyed being there. So, we didn't end up leaving until 7pm on Wednesday night and Landen slept the entire way. As soon as Adam got to about Penguich, he had to pull off the road and take a nap. So, we finally get to his moms house at about 7am and by this time Landen is so excited to see Brycen, he is awake the rest of the day. So, Adam and I lay down to fall asleep and realize it's impossible. So, we get up and get ready for the day. By about 1 or so, everyone starts showing up. I was so excited to see Adam's Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jerry, they are some of my most favorite people in the family. Since the first time I met Jerry, he has always accepted me with open arms. He just has a way of explaining things to me that really make sense. I respect him so so much. It was so nice to see everyone. Janelle (my sister in law) is going to be having a baby at the end of January, so I was so excited to see her because she always says she is so pregnant and is so big and blah blah blah. So, I see her and oh my gosh, she seriously won cutest pregnant girl, she has the tiniest little pooch. I loved it. So, pretty much the whole weekend I spent shopping and hanging out with Sean and Janelle which made my trip even better, because we didn't get to spend much time with them before we moved here and Adam is really close with Sean, so it meant so much to us to feel like they went out of their way to kind of wipe their schedules to spend time with us. We woke up at the butt crack of dawn and went shopping on Friday and we dragged Claudia with us. It was actually a lot of fun. Janelle took me to some maternity places and I got some really cute things. I must say though, since I have been back home, I think I lost like 10 pounds from all the stairs in my house. It's not a joke, I weighed myself before I went to Utah and then just barely yesterday and Ireally did loose 10 pounds so now I don't look as pregnant as I felt in Utah. I swear I looked like I was the one due in January(or at least that's how I felt). Landen had a blast except it didn't snow and he was really sad about that. We didnt get to see everyone we wanted to but we will be back for 2 weeks for xmas. So, I have really thought alot about what I am most thankful for and my top 5 are as follows:
1. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, 2. My husband and eternal companion. 3. My son, and the rest to come. 4. My other family members. 5. All of my friends. His uncle Jerry told us in Utah that the best thing we could have done for our marriage was move away and after thinking about the last 2 years of our marriage, I really do believe that. Nothing against anyone personally, but being around Adam's family all the time really took a toll on our marriage. Sometimes it still does because it's that feeling of STILL constantly having to prove yourself to people, but I learned shortly after we got married, that really I don't have to prove anything to anyone. My husband and I have had ups and downs, but what marriage hasn't. We strive to do our best everyday. He is one person in my life that grounds me to the point that even after 2 years, I still love being with him every second. He teaches me things everyday. I have come along way since we first got married. To him serving other people is like what he lives and breaths for and for me, I was just like ok whatever. But now I see why he is like that. It is the best feeling in the world to serve someone. So, this picture really sums all of it up for me. I have also learned this year, that it doesn't matter what people say about you or behind your back, family or not, they are the ones that have to live with it, not me. I have hurt some pretty important people by choice of words recently and I realized that even if they have hurt you, it's not worth putting someone through that just to PROVE A POINT. I really hope for next year everyone in the family, can put grudges in the past and just LEAVE THEM THERE! Relationships are the only thing we take with us when we die and if we burn too many bridges here, life won't ever get easier. People just need to move on and gossip needs to be burried. I think if people hear the he said she said, instead of fueling the fire and spitting back, they need to go straight to the source. It's funny when something is said, and it gets turned into something it never really was in the first place.