Ok so Landen was in Cali with his dad all week, so Friday night I took my husband to babys r us to see what we could find. Now I dont know if any of you remember me talking about the crib set i originally wanted but they said no one could order it until june. Well sneeky as I am I had them look to see if it can be ordered. LO AND BEHOLD they had 173 available to order. I was sosososo mad, so I called the Scottsdale location and told them how I felt I was treated unfair and they need to make it right. She told me she would do that and we need to bring in the crib and we can get it all worked out. So, we come home break apart the crib and get it back in the the box as if it's never been touched. We drive to the store and Adam unloaded it and i was dealing with the girls and paperwork blah blah blah. So the check out girl totally tried to jip us!! OUr crib returned was 1735.00 and the one we wanted was 1567.00 but they didnt fibe us our 20% discount they promised and when I said something, she told me that she gave us credit for the processing fee!! (It was only 29.99) WHAT, I FLEW OFF THE HANDLE. SHE TRIED SAYING WE STILL OWED $700.00 I WAS LIKE YEAH NO THAT'S NOT OK, THIS IS WHAT IT SHOULD BE!! So after all was said and done we got a gift card of 220.00, So we go to the strollers and bought the stroller

car seat combo from baby trend. It s orange and I love it. So, we realized that we have the most georgeous nursery for the baby and now we have to get it all together and painted before the furniture comes.. Any sugestions!!! I need loottts of paint swatches but i am out of ideas.
Ok so now the dresser but its a burghandy color, they didnt have a picture online!!! and one more dresser but I cant find it either, it looks great together.
SO OK AFTER ALL THAT!! I AM FINALLY GETTING MY DREAM NURSERY! ON top of that we were able to get a stroller and 4 more outfits. Heaven. I went to another place and got my glider seriously the best most comfortable reclining glider ever. I got if from this place on gilbert and baseline called room 4 baby. The owner helped with this decision. It was a great buy. I even got landen the cutest little sign from Preston. It says
"Brother, will you teach me to play hid-ns-eek, show me how to shoot hoops, teach me to skip rocks on the water and alway be my friend... So cute I cried!!! That's all for now!!