So, I had my Dr's appointment today. All went pretty well. Except my Doctor has decided to send me back to the Neuro-surgeon. Well, just in case you are all wondering, "Why a neuro-surgeon?" Let me just tell you the story behind all of this 1st and then I will get into details of what she said.
Ok, July 17, 2006 it was a Monday and very nice outside. Not a cloud in sight. Being that Adam and I owned a boat with 2 other people, we decided to call it an early day at work, grab my bf Krystal and Adam's friend Lance and head out to Willard bay for some wakeboarding action. So, we don't end up getting there until like 5 ish and if you have been to Willard bay at this time, it's like attack of the mosquitoes at this time of day. So, we decided we will let the guys have a quick run and then Krystal and I will go on the tube. So, our turn cam and we get out there and of course Adams goal is to try to see if he can bounce one of us off. So, he is going way way fast and there is this gigantic wake coming our way and we weren't really paying attention so when we hit the wake, it caught my foot and I went up in the air about 4 feet (not kidding) and landed back in the water head first. The problem with this is that my lower body kept going the speed of the boat and I hyper extended my back really bad, so bad that I felt this surge of something go all the way from my lower back up to my neck. OUCH!! So, they came back around to get me, I literally could not move anything from my waist down. I couldn't paddle with my legs or anything. When they got close enough I shouted out, "Guys I am really hurt, I can't feel my legs at all." So, Lance jumps in right away and then Krystal (she is a CNA). So, Lance tells Adam to call 9-1-1!! They pull me to the boat and luckily there is a small dock on the back of the boat so they didn't have to move me at all. They just pulled me on there and raced back to the dock!! When we got there, the ambulance was already there. The loaded the boat on the trailer and all of a sudden I had like a zillion people around me asking me what happened and touching me everywhere asking if I could feel it. Well, I could on my upper body but not my lower. So, they loaded me up and shipped me to McKay Dee Hospital. When I get in there the nurses hooked me to an IV and started pumping me full of pain meds and whatever else they do. I was so loopy that I literally got pissed at the Dr for cutting my brand new $70 swim suit. He basically said I now have an excuse to go buy another one and that they couldn't move me so they didn't have a choice. He told Adam he did a bunch of tests to see if my reflexes were responding and they weren't so he had to hall me away to have a cat scan and MRI done. So, Adam and Lance come in and Adam looks at me like the saddest person in the world and says, "Ok honey they have to take you to get some tests done, but we need to give you a blessing and unfortunately I can't give it to you because I won't make it passed the first part." I was like "Adam why are you crying, everything will be fine I promise." He just kept saying, "I will never be able to live with myself every again knowing that I paralyzed my wife." To him, this was all his fault, but to me it was a simple accident and no one could have seen it coming. So, Lance gave me a blessing and off I went. A little bit of time went by and the Neurologist came into my room and shipped everyone out but Adam and I. He told us that I had not breaks or severs, but that my spinal cord was completely bruised and swollen and he can't promise that I will ever be able to walk again or have any sensation in my lower body. So, for now I had to stay put for a few days so they can run another test to see if the swelling is going down. A couple days later, they did another test, he came back in and said that I probably would never be able to walk again and that I needed to try to start getting use to a wheelchair and start some physical therapy to teach me how to start using one for everything. So, I was transfered to LDS hospital and this made me so much happier because I was closer to home and Krystal worked there. So, I was there for 1 week and 2 days and when a different neurologist came in, he said that my bruising has gone down but he also couldn't make any promises but that it's not impossible. So, I started physical therapy. After a week, I got the feeling back and was able to walk, but wasn't the best at it. I would stumble ever so often so after getting released I just took my time, but never went back to the Physical therapist!! I know I know stupid me!!
Well, here I am 8 months pregnant and having to back to another neurologist again. I guess if I would have kept going I wouldn't be in this predicament, but I didn't so here I am. My Dr. said worst case scenario is that I will be on complete bed-rest in the hospital for the remainder of my pregnancy but she just needs to make sure that the neurologist evaluates and says I won't suffer any permanent damage if we continue!! So, after baby comes, it's back to major PT time!! Not fun at all!! I hate it. The only thing I like about it are the massages. So, there it is!! Ohhhh boy, I need a vacation!! By the beach, no cell phones just me and my husband soaking up the sun!!!