Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Ok, I know there are a few of you out there that would love to get into shape and tone up a bit. Well I started a fitness bootcamp on Saturday and I must say I love love love it!! It's an hour long and the guy that does it is great!! He has so much knowledge about getting into shape!! He is a super big fan of P90X (which by the way I finally got and am so excited to try it out) and most of his routines follow P90X. He works you hard but you feel great when you leave!! So, I am trying to find people who want to do it along with me!! I hate doing these things by myself because eventually I lose the desire!! Let me know if anyone is interested. There are several times!! Tues, Thurs from eiter 5:30-6:30am, 6:30-7:30am, or 6:30 to 7:30pm, and Saturday from 7:30-8:30am. look at his website if you want to. It's $125.00 for 4 weeks, which is 12 sessions. It includes nutrition and meal planning and a ton of other stuff that would take up too much time for me to blog about!! His website is The best part about all of it, is that he is not a drill sargent, he actually wants you to start out light and eventually you build up strength and by the end of the 4 weeks, you are amazed at how much you can do compared to where you started. I can't walk today but I like that feeling!! My friend Arissa tried it and told me about it after she moved away and left me to go by myself, but hey it's great, so let me know if any of you are interested!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Olson Look-alike Meter
So, he did it!! YEAH he finally fits into his MJ outfit!! Well, it's just a onsie and a beanie but we got to surprise daddy. Also, the cute little turtle with the Harley Davidson shirt on, Adam made that for Krew when he was on his business trip in Wisconsin. I got one too, but mine is a bear!! So cute!! He is getting so chubby and he is able to fit into some of his clothes better yeah. We are moving this weekend so I may not post for a while!! I gotta get settled in first or I will stress out about my house not being put together!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
My dad started this website that is good for kids who love to write stories!! Let your imagination go and grow!! Also, he is setting something up for schools so TEACHERS visit and give some feedback!! KIDS visit
Monday, July 21, 2008
I got tagged with the i!!
I am: Impatient with decisions
I think: a nap sounds good right now
I know: I am a good person
I want: my husband home
I have: the best family and friends anyone could ask for
I wish: my husband was home
I hate: two-faced people
I miss: my husband
I fear: being a failure
I feel: overwhelmed
I hear: typing fingers-yep that's right Krew is down for the night
I smell: mulled cider yummy
I crave: chocolate and peanut butter ice cream
I search: for the truth in everything
I wonder: if we'll ever get ahead
I regret: being a snotty witchy brat to my family and husband a few years back!!
I love: My family and friends
I care: way too much about make up
I always: brush my teeth 3-4 times a day! OCD
I am not: my best self when I loose patience
I believe: in the plan of salvation
I dance: when no one is
I sing: when no one is lol
I don’t always: pray as often as I should
I write: for therapy :)
I win: the lottery of love from my husband and sons
I lose: patience with stupid people saying stupid thing when they really don't know the truth about anything!!
I never: say "I Love You" enough
I listen: to music that fits my mood
I can usually be found: at home or at the MAC counter. haha
I am scared: for the world my children are going to go into
I need: words of affirmation
I am happy about: how far I've come...though I still have long ways to go until I get 'there'
Tag you're it: Janelle, Katie, Melanie, Molly, Summer, Jac (won't happen hasn't updated her blog in months), Aimee, Lisa, Kristy, Sunni, Megan, Audrie, Nina (the other one), Alicia, Ashley, and Holly
I think: a nap sounds good right now
I know: I am a good person
I want: my husband home
I have: the best family and friends anyone could ask for
I wish: my husband was home
I hate: two-faced people
I miss: my husband
I fear: being a failure
I feel: overwhelmed
I hear: typing fingers-yep that's right Krew is down for the night
I smell: mulled cider yummy
I crave: chocolate and peanut butter ice cream
I search: for the truth in everything
I wonder: if we'll ever get ahead
I regret: being a snotty witchy brat to my family and husband a few years back!!
I love: My family and friends
I care: way too much about make up
I always: brush my teeth 3-4 times a day! OCD
I am not: my best self when I loose patience
I believe: in the plan of salvation
I dance: when no one is
I sing: when no one is lol
I don’t always: pray as often as I should
I write: for therapy :)
I win: the lottery of love from my husband and sons
I lose: patience with stupid people saying stupid thing when they really don't know the truth about anything!!
I never: say "I Love You" enough
I listen: to music that fits my mood
I can usually be found: at home or at the MAC counter. haha
I am scared: for the world my children are going to go into
I need: words of affirmation
I am happy about: how far I've come...though I still have long ways to go until I get 'there'
Tag you're it: Janelle, Katie, Melanie, Molly, Summer, Jac (won't happen hasn't updated her blog in months), Aimee, Lisa, Kristy, Sunni, Megan, Audrie, Nina (the other one), Alicia, Ashley, and Holly
I got this from my friend Ashley's blog!!
Here are the directions:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a fond memory that you and I had together (It can even be a memory of Adam Adam and I both). It doesn't matter if you knew me/us a little or a lot, just write anything you remember!
2. Next, if you like, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you.
Ok so normally I would never post this, but it's been bugging me and I need all the feedback I can get. Plus I haven't blogged for a week and Krew is sleeping so it gives me an excuse to blog about something. I have been really nervous with getting Krew his 1st set of shots coming up real soon. With all the jibber jabber about it being linked to Autism I am nervous about it and kind of feel like 2 months is a bit too young to get all those shots. I would feel more comfortable if he was say 6-8 months but on the flip side, it's like well if you don't what if he gets really really sick. I am stuck does anyone know anything about this. I have talked to Janelle about it, but still have those thoughts all the time. What should I do I just don't know!! I guess I should add that I have talked to my Dr about this and she was super defensive, she said that if that's what I choose to do then they would make me sign a waiver!! I think we are going to find a new Dr.
OK so we are going back to Utah for Krew to be blessed there over labor day weekend. I was so busy for the week I was there that I didn't get to see everyone I wanted to. Jacque, I am so sorry I couldn't make it down there on Saturday. I was so stressed with trying to get packed and family plans and everything. You were so busy too getting your house all redone so I will call you this week. You and James need to come to Krew's blessing if you will be in Utah over Memorial weekend. Summer if you read this you and Michael and your kiddos need to come to Krews blessing on August 31 if you will be in Utah P.S. CONGRATS ON THE BUN IN THE OVEN ITS A GIRL!! PINK PINK PINK THATS ALL I HAVE TO SAY. Let me know if any of you can't make it ok. We want all of our friends there, it would make it all the better. Oh my gosh I could name a million friends I wanted to see. Ash, I wished we could have got together, if only I could have stayed another week. I almost went by your parents house but seriously could not even have a second to breathe. You and Larv and your kiddos need to come to the blessing!! Steve and Alicia, you need to call us so we can talk to you two about some plans coming up.
Lisa, I wished we could have got together as well so I could meet your hubby and you could meet Krew, come to the blessing!!!
Lisa, I wished we could have got together as well so I could meet your hubby and you could meet Krew, come to the blessing!!!
Just wanted to thank some people!!
Sean and Nell,
You two are amazing parents. I love you both very much and am so grateful for you. Thank you for being there for me this last week and thank you for letting us stay with you. I appreciate you and can't wait to see your cute family again.
Aaron and Katie,
I love those big blue eyes. It was so much fun to see you guys. Katie, thank you so much for curing my migrane with that lovely Pepsi. I can't wait to come visit soon again.
And Claudia,
Thanks for everything. You were great. Krew had fun spending time with you and we appreciate you being there for us when we needed it. Have fun in Cali.
Thanks for putting up with Landen and babysitting him all week!! You rock!!
Sean and Nell,
You two are amazing parents. I love you both very much and am so grateful for you. Thank you for being there for me this last week and thank you for letting us stay with you. I appreciate you and can't wait to see your cute family again.
Aaron and Katie,
I love those big blue eyes. It was so much fun to see you guys. Katie, thank you so much for curing my migrane with that lovely Pepsi. I can't wait to come visit soon again.
And Claudia,
Thanks for everything. You were great. Krew had fun spending time with you and we appreciate you being there for us when we needed it. Have fun in Cali.
Thanks for putting up with Landen and babysitting him all week!! You rock!!
So, the last few days in Utah Krew was super fussy and I thought it would never go away, however the second we walk in the door from the airport he was all smiles. He went right down for bed at 8 and slept till 5 then back down until 9. I had some friends over till midnight and thought I would be so so tired but I got my eight hours of sleep. Oh and I found this picture of Adam as a baby baby and it's totally Krew to the TTTTTT!!!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Sean offered to watch not one, not two but three babys so us girlies can spend some quality sista time together. We went and got pedicures and Katie got a manicure instead. It was so much fun, and yes Nell I still think the spa I go to is better, but I loved every minute of it (as my nose is in the air haha just kidding). So, then we went to Red robin and got food to go and back to Sean and Nell's.
I also want to tell you girls how incredibly lucky I am to have you both!! They seriously took the best care of me my last night there. I had a really bad anxiet attack about coming back, but Nell managed to show me the real way to pack my suitcase and because I had the worst migrane, Katie went and got me a Pepsi at the store. I seriously don't know what I would have done without these two!!! I love you girls!!!
I also want to tell you girls how incredibly lucky I am to have you both!! They seriously took the best care of me my last night there. I had a really bad anxiet attack about coming back, but Nell managed to show me the real way to pack my suitcase and because I had the worst migrane, Katie went and got me a Pepsi at the store. I seriously don't know what I would have done without these two!!! I love you girls!!!

Meeting Ryker and Quinn
So, we stayed with Sean and Nell most of the time and I must say I love cute little Ryker, he is a chunker that always giggles. He is so stinking cute and Quinn has amazing eyes and is the sweetest baby. Anyhow, Krew basically watched them play but I am sure the older they get closer they will be. 3 musketeers. LOL

Krew had a blast getting to meet his new aunts, uncles, friends, great grandma, and cousins. I met up with Aimee on Tues for lunch and she took me to this baby boutique that was so cute. I loved it. We went to Tricia's on Wednesday and he got to meet Reagan Whitney and Bubba. Whit held him and loved him and then it was off to Rumbi grill for Dinner. Tricia held him the whole time and her nick name for him is "Little Addy" apparently that's Adam's nickname. We stopped at Nielsens for custard and headed home!! P.S. Alise also came by on Thursday to meet Krew. She lost 218 pounds total way to go alise!!
So, our adventure started last Saturday. I was fine and all until we left becuase I knew it would be 2 weeks until I get to see Adam again, however, Krew was perfect and slept the entire time and Landen was awesome. So, we get there and Delta broke my stroller, on top of that they were so rude, AS IF YOU CAN'T SEE THAT I AM CARRYING A NEWBORN AND HAVE A MILLION THINGS IN MY HAND, JEEZ WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO COMMON COURTESY. Anyways Sean picked us up and we headed to their house for the evening. The next day we headed to Claudias for the week. I ended back at Sean and Nell's oh about 4 more nights. Of course Landen had to be with Brycen for the entire week. It was a blast. I can't believe how quickly time flew by. I will post pictures as I tell the stories.

We went up to visit Ken and Nona and this is the first time Krew met them. He was definately in love with them. We ate dinner and played with Krew for a while. We had a blast as we always do. We got spoiled and sent home with weeks worth of food. YUMMY!! I can't wait to go back again. We love you guys!!!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
So most of you who know Adam know he is obsessed with the counting crows. As a matter of fact, we met Adam Duritz at the Sundance Film festival in Park city 2 years ago. Adam (my hubby) asked him to play his favorite song Ana begins and Adam D. said he would think about it. Well after a few songs, he did and Adam O. was on cloud 9. Now he has Landen obsessed with it too. I don't just mean that Landen doesn't mind listening to it every once in a while, he has most of their songs on their new album memorized. Everyone that hears him sing them thinks he is like the cutest little boy ever. They also ask how the hek he can memorize all those songs, well when he listens to them 500 times a day, that tends to happen. So, this is all for you to see yourselves!!!
So, we didn't roll out of bed until about 12 noon. Krew slept for 7 hours straight but Adam decided he wanted to get up with him. What he didn't know is that you are not suppose to use the same nipple after it's been used already unless you boil it. So, Krew had an upset tummy the rest of the morning, grunting the day away. So, we were pretty tired. When he took his nap we cleaned and by the time he woke up it was already 5. WHERE DID THE DAY GO. I had bought us some 4th of July shirts at Old Navy just for this day, so I wasn't about to let them go to waste. We put Krew in his (don't you love the cute little shoes) and all of us put ours on and off we went. We decided to go to Carrabas and of course I had to take lots of pictures. My contacts are gettting really old so I decided to wear my glasses. I look like such an old lady. Owell, hopefully I can get some here soon. Later Landen and I went outside and watched fireworks for a whole 10 minutes before the thunder and lightning started. I love monsoon season. So, we decided to finish watching them from my bedroom window (it's 3 stories up). We caught the fireworks at Tempe town lake, Glendale arena and Mesquite High. I hate going places where there is a big crowd of people so I thought the show from my window was way better. Fighting crowds is just not my fortay unless it's for a good pair of true religions on sale or a nifty purse. That I could do!! P.S. I couldn't collage this first set of pics because it cut our heads off.

Almost our 1st Date night out!
So, Thursday Adam finally got home and I made plans for the boys to be watched so I could have a night with my husband, but when he got home and heard of the plan, he decided that we should take the boys with us, so not so much a date night with just my hubby. Landen of course had to show off his camera skills so there is one of me by myself, but I have had a few requests of that anyways so here ya go. Yes those are my size 28 jeans. Thank heavens, but like I said before, I still have a ways to go with toning and tightening everything up. We went to Red Robin for dinner because I was craving their BLTA crossaint I LOVE IT!! Anyways, after that we couldn't exactly go to a movie so we rented Fools Gold, but I couldn't get into it because Landen always always asks questions during the movie about the movie. Even though he has seen it before and I haven't. So, we just went to bed. Oh yeah but before we went Landen told us for his birthday he wants a boxer like Titan so it can be "overdetective" (overprotective) of him and Krew.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
More Pictures of Krew
I love taking pictures of him. He is starting to smile now. He is still the perfect baby. He is now in the habit of falling asleep in his crib. He still sleeps with us at night, but I think within the next few weeks we will start putting him in his crib at night. He has been sleeping through the night for a while now but last night was the first official 8 hours of sleep I got consistently. Everyone that sees him for the first time says he looks like Adam. I kind of think he resembles both of us, yeah more Adam than me but, it was so funny because I was watching our wedding video and his newborn picture is exactly Krew to the T except for the red/orange hair. Oh yeah, and heis losing his hair and it's getting lighter. I am sure he will grow it back blonde, his eye lashes are almost white. I can't wait to have another little one!! JUST KIDDING!! I want to enjoy this one for a while, but it won't be too long before we have another. I finally fit into my favorite pair of jeans. Size 28 woo hoo. I can't tell you how happy I am about that. However, I still have a ways to go. Next week is my 6 week check up and clearance for working out. Then, I will be starting the P90X. Can't wait.
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