Ok some pretty scary things are happening right now. I got this from my sister in laws blog and I am just going to pass it on and hope that everyone who hears it, will do the same and post it on their blog. We have a lot of decisions coming up soon and it's going to change our country either for better or worse. Please listen....
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
KREW almost 5 mo.......
Where do I start, he is getting so dang big. He weighed in at 16.5 lbs and is 27 inches long. He is in the 95 percentile for height and weight. Oh brother a tall one. I guess his dad is happy about the basketball thing. So, he is rolling over and trying to crawl. He puts him bum in the air and tries but he is not there yet. Thank heavens. He is so handsome and still to this day, he is by far the best baby. Very mellow tempered (and we all know he didn't inherit that from me). We took him to dinner with us on Friday night with a group of people and we thought for sure we would be leaving early but nope, he let us visit. 4 hours!! Amazing. It makes me want another one, a girl this time just like him. LOL. He tries to hold his own bottle and would prefer to do so rather than us trying to feed him.
Doctor also said we need to start introducing him to fruits, veggies and juice. So, we have done it slowly. We started with Peas, and he loves them, waited 3 days and did it again. So far he has been ok. Next we tried bananas. Ummm, he doesn't love them!! This week, we are starting carrots, but he is not a fan either. He loves rice cereal and peas. Good maybe I got lucky and he won't be picky!! Yeah right, dream on Nina, you're married to the worlds pickiest eater!!
So, here are some recent shots and videos of him in action. These are especially for you Jac!!
Oh yeah so in this collage, I forgot to tell, ok so we put him in his little rocker chair and he ate and blah blah blah and he was just sitting there. Adam starts vacumning and this is the aftermath. He just fell asleep. AND.... we no longer have to put him to sleep, he now goes on his own. Just put him down and away he goes. AND I thought it got harder, but it's getting easier however I dont know how much easier it can get, he really is the perfect textbook baby.

Doctor also said we need to start introducing him to fruits, veggies and juice. So, we have done it slowly. We started with Peas, and he loves them, waited 3 days and did it again. So far he has been ok. Next we tried bananas. Ummm, he doesn't love them!! This week, we are starting carrots, but he is not a fan either. He loves rice cereal and peas. Good maybe I got lucky and he won't be picky!! Yeah right, dream on Nina, you're married to the worlds pickiest eater!!
So, here are some recent shots and videos of him in action. These are especially for you Jac!!
Oh yeah so in this collage, I forgot to tell, ok so we put him in his little rocker chair and he ate and blah blah blah and he was just sitting there. Adam starts vacumning and this is the aftermath. He just fell asleep. AND.... we no longer have to put him to sleep, he now goes on his own. Just put him down and away he goes. AND I thought it got harder, but it's getting easier however I dont know how much easier it can get, he really is the perfect textbook baby.

If you are a mother lover for beanies for your baby, you have to check out my friend Star's blog. She is super talented. The best part is, the way you pay for it is buying the yarn and she gets to keep what's left over. I think that sounds like a deal!!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
My friend Aimee tagged me, so here it goes!!
8 Favorite TV shows
1. The Hills
2. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
3. News
4. Dr. Drew's Celeb Rehab
5. America's Makeover home edition
6. Sex in the City
7. 24
8. private practice
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Red Robin
2. Olive Garden
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. Texas Roadhouse
5. Pei Wei
6. Dilly's Deli
7. Outback
8. Pita Jungle
8 Things that Happened Today
1. I woke up
2. Cleaned my house
3. Fed Krew
4. played with Krew
5. went over our budget
6. caught up on emails
7. tried to catch up on blogging
8. made some cd's
8 things to look forward to
1. Krew getting up from his morning nap so I can get out of the house
2. trying my new make up out!!
3. spending time with friends/my hubby this weekend
4. getting the wheel on my bike fixed
5. when Tricia gets home so we can chat! ( I look forward to this everyday)
6. Monday night (the hills)
7. Thanksgivng, so I can see Tricia and get some shopping done and other girl stuff
8. getting a gym membership
8 things I love about Fall
1. Thanksgiving
2. Its finally cooling down here
3. Um, possibly going to see snow in Utah
4. just being outside!!
8 things on my wish list
1. um... good health
2. Hawaii
3. a baby girl
4. Apple computer
5. New camera
6. New purse
7. A getaway with my husband
8. to be financially free
8 people I tag
1. Janelle
2. Katie
3. Nina (the other one)
4. Kristy M.
5. Laree (there is your first post)
6. Heather
7. Alicia
8. Ashley P.
8 Favorite TV shows
1. The Hills
2. Real World/Road Rules Challenge
3. News
4. Dr. Drew's Celeb Rehab
5. America's Makeover home edition
6. Sex in the City
7. 24
8. private practice
8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Red Robin
2. Olive Garden
3. Cheesecake Factory
4. Texas Roadhouse
5. Pei Wei
6. Dilly's Deli
7. Outback
8. Pita Jungle
8 Things that Happened Today
1. I woke up
2. Cleaned my house
3. Fed Krew
4. played with Krew
5. went over our budget
6. caught up on emails
7. tried to catch up on blogging
8. made some cd's
8 things to look forward to
1. Krew getting up from his morning nap so I can get out of the house
2. trying my new make up out!!
3. spending time with friends/my hubby this weekend
4. getting the wheel on my bike fixed
5. when Tricia gets home so we can chat! ( I look forward to this everyday)
6. Monday night (the hills)
7. Thanksgivng, so I can see Tricia and get some shopping done and other girl stuff
8. getting a gym membership
8 things I love about Fall
1. Thanksgiving
2. Its finally cooling down here
3. Um, possibly going to see snow in Utah
4. just being outside!!
8 things on my wish list
1. um... good health
2. Hawaii
3. a baby girl
4. Apple computer
5. New camera
6. New purse
7. A getaway with my husband
8. to be financially free
8 people I tag
1. Janelle
2. Katie
3. Nina (the other one)
4. Kristy M.
5. Laree (there is your first post)
6. Heather
7. Alicia
8. Ashley P.
Ok so let me give you the update. Life has been a bit crazy these days. So here is the scoop. As some of my family and a few friends know, last week I was diagnosed with MS. It was sort of a quick diagnosis and I kind of felt relieved that I finally know why I have been feeling the way I have. However, my husband and some other family members thought maybe you should get a second opinion. So, yesterday I went to see an Internal Medicine Dr. I sat there as she had the records in hand from the Neurologist and started talking to me about my symptoms. I explained each one and she paused for a moment. Now I am going to get a complete blood workup, MRI's of my L-spine and C-spine and a possible spinal tap. She was a lot more positive and as I am telling her I don't think MS is the right diagnosis, she told me this story of one of her collegues that came to her while in med school and told her his eye sight is getting worse (which is me as well I went from -1.25 in my left eye to -2.25 in one year and my right was -1.0 to -2.5) anyhow she told me that without running any tests, she told him he needs to get on steroids because he has MS. I guess he went to a Neurologist ran some other tests and her Diagnosis was correct. I remember being in Utah and talking with some friends whose sister has MS and hearing kind of what her symtoms were and that is what made me decide to go in and at least tell the dr what I am experiencing and see what is going on. I know most of you will want to leave comments in regards to this, but I would rather you didn't. You can email me if you would like but I just don't want anyone to feel bad for me. I am letting everyone know what is going on because some of my close friends are starting to ask why I have been distant or why it seems like I am always sleeping when they call. I know, I haven't been that great at telling everyone, but I thought that this is something I wanted to limit to just my family and a few friends for now. I am staying positive about this whole thing and I am going to continue on with life just as I was before. I will be exercising more and staying active. If her tests come back confirmed, I will make dang sure that it will never take over my life. I love you all and thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
Having said all that, lets get back to the good stuff. So this first picture shows me 2 days after having Krew and then 5 months after. Yes, I am blonde again!! ANG YOU ARE THE BEST!! I fit into my fav jeans. I tried them on last night to see how long I have to go and they fit!! Adam walks in and says holy cow they fit you honey!! I was really excited. 

Picture Tag
The rules: Go to your picture files. Pick the 4th file, and the 4th picture in it. Tell a little bit about the picture. Tag 4 friends.

Ok, I know I am a little out of the blogging world, sorry I just have a lot going on right now, but here it is. I was tagged by my sister-in-law. I love this picture, it's probably one of my favorites because I am starting to get more into dressing Krew like a little man now, instead of a baby. Our friends Star and Andy first sparked my interest. See their little boy was wearing these sandals one night and I fell in love and had to have them. Krew hates anything on his feet, but he can handle these. On top of that, he just looks like a little man. I have started buying little man clothes from Kingsley and Knuckleheads, so I promise to soon post some more pictures. Also coming soon...... I FINALLY DID IT. I REACHED MY GOAL WEIGHT AND FIT INTO MY 26 TRUE RELIGIONS!! WHOO HOO. Not eating carbs past 2pm really helped shed the last bit of weight I needed. I still need to hit the gym and start weight lifting to tone everything, but I am prud of myself!! I will post pictures of that next.... I tag 4: Summer, Aimee, Jacque & Angela
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Boy am I behind in the blogging world. Well Landen offically turned 8! We had his birthday party last weekend, at my house and oh boy, I am paying for it to be somewhere next year!! It was a mess. My carpets are trashed, which my husband freaked about!! Anyhow, here are some reason I am grateful for Landen:
- He is a very very energetic kid, and reminds me of myself with all this energy. Man I wish I could get that back.
- He is such a mommy's boy and I do love that!
- He hates hurting anyones feelings and would rather everyone be happy, especially me.
- He adores his baby brother and my husband.
- He is a great little helper around the house (when I bribe him).
- He keeps me on my toes!!
- He is the sweetest kid I know and will do anything for anyone.
I love you buddy.
- He is a very very energetic kid, and reminds me of myself with all this energy. Man I wish I could get that back.
- He is such a mommy's boy and I do love that!
- He hates hurting anyones feelings and would rather everyone be happy, especially me.
- He adores his baby brother and my husband.
- He is a great little helper around the house (when I bribe him).
- He keeps me on my toes!!
- He is the sweetest kid I know and will do anything for anyone.
I love you buddy.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
So, I keep getting these random emails that I need to update my post cause people are sick of reading all the old ones. So if you really want to know about the last couple weeks here it is in a nutshell!!
I started a new job at the best place on the planet. TIPTON ORTHODONTICS it rocks!! I can't believe I ever went back to general after working here. I missed ortho so so much. Well not too much to say there other than I absolutely adore the Dr. I work for. He is the sweetest guy in the world and he truly cares about his staff. Example:
Last night Krew would not sleep, he had a runny nose, fever and I made Adam stay up with him all night (that's what he gets for only giving me 5 days notice on the business trip haha jk) well today on my way to work barely making it there without falling asleep (Krew was crying ya know so Adam wasn't the only one who went without sleep) Krew's dr calls me and I tell her the symptoms blah blah. Anyhow, she said to take him to the ER asap!! So here I am at work so stressed because I just started (was suppose to start the week my brother in laws funeral was but had to go to Utah instead) and Adam calls and says his work truck won't start so he isn't going anywhere. So, as I look at the schedule I realize I didn't have any appointments after 10:30am until 2. So, I approach the Dr. and asked if I could leave at 10:30 (told him the whole situation) and then I just lost it. I started crying right in front of him!! I never do that, but honestly I have under so much stress and work makes me escape that, so I felt bad cause I didn't want him to be upset with me, but I also felt like a horrible mom and wife for doing that to my hubby and baby. So, he told me that he is a single dad and knows what it's all about and to take the rest of the day off. Most of the time I feel like maybe bosses say that but don't really mean it, but I could tell he was sincere. I am so lucky to work for such a great guy!!
Ok so took him in DOUBLE EAR INFECTIONS. Have I failed as a mom or what? Well, that's what I felt like!! So, we got his antibiotic and a humidifier and off to home it was, he played for a sec and he went to bed at 4pm. So, I cleaned my entire house, sent my husband to get a massage and made dinner. Awwwh!! Now I have a tiny bit of time to blog!! So on top of having a bomb dropped on me, having to prepare for a birthday party for Landen with like 18 girls and 3 boys (yeah don't remind me) and then next week by myself I don't think I can handle all of this, now I know kind of how Janelle feels!! It's overwhelming!
Ok now this and I will try to make this short but it will be so so hard and I am going to try to post this without bawling!! Ok, most of you know I am a convert to the church. Growing up I had this best friend that lived across the street and they were LDS. Well, her name is Laree and she has been such a big part of my life. Her family introduced me to the church really young and through the years I have always thought about the example she has been to me in my life. Well, we lost contact after I moved away when I was 12 and when I got married to Charley I often thought about her. Well, it came time for me to go through the temple and I don't exactly remember what led up to all of this, but I do know I was so frustrated with my husband at the time that I basically threw to the Lord that he either helps me out with this decision if it is right for me or not or I am done and walking away. Low and behold I felt like it was the right thing to do, so I go into the temple and as I am walking into the room, there is Laree going to the same endowment session as me. That's how I remember it at least, but I remember talking to her about going as well, so I could have found her before this, but the point is.... we got to experience going through the temple for the first time together!! I am only speaking for me but that was the most special thing to me in my entire life. It's like when you have been through so many trials in life and the Lord gives you the one thing that reminds you of greatness and love. Well, after the divorce we lost contact again and when Adam and I moved back I swear I have googled her every single day and no luck....UNTIL.... I finally hit a breaking point!! I found her and called her and we made plans, went to her house for dinner and I enjoyed every second of it. We still have so much catching up to do but that's basically my last couple weeks in a nut shell!!!
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