Adam and I met in July of 2004 and were married in the Bountiful temple in December of 2005. I am from AZ so we moved back here in June of 2007. We have 3 boys. Landen 10 (previous marriage), Krew 3 and Kade 7 months. Oh yeah and we have 1 little dog, who is a daddy's princess and thinks she well...knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. I am the CEO of this wonderful family and Adam is the Founder and President. I have a masters degree in changing poopy diapers, cooking, cleaning, laundry and blogging. I speak a foreign language (baby talk).
Actually, I have been a Dental office manager for about 16 years at different offices and just started a new small business called Dental AR Solutions. I love being a mom and am so grateful that my husband allows me to be home to see our boys grow up.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


OK OK I KNOW it's April Fools and all, but I couldn't wait to post this. I have been nauseaus lately and my monthly friend hasn't came to visit so this morning I took the P test. POSITIVE, I didn't believe it so another and another......
Here is what happened!! I can't believe it!! Another one in 9 months. I have been emotional all morning slightly because MY HUSBAND IS GOING TO KILL ME!!!! Well, it's not just my fault right? I have definately been super not feeling well!!! This is not normal with my pregnancies!! Oh man, my babies are only going to be 19 months apart. This was definately not planned. I hope I can get through the conversation with Adam and pray he doesn't start FREAKING OUT like me, cause I need someome to be the strong on cause it aint me!!!!
Here we go again with round 2 of the beached whale. Just as I was down to where I wanted to be!!!


Danielson Family said...

How exciting - My first two children are 20 months apart -- I know that it can be hard -- then think I had one more and the last tow are onlyu 14 months apart! Now that can be nuts -- 3 kids in 34 months! So I know that you can handle it - you are a strong woman! Keep in touch! Sarah

Alicia said...

Okay! I believe you now!!! Holy cow! If you need some help call me. Ruby and Katy are only 14 months apart. At least with 18 months one is in nursery when you have a newborn. I didn't get that with Ruby! Call me sometime and we can talk!

Sonia said...

Congratulations friend. I can't believe you are having another baby. Please let me know how I can help. We need to get together soon. I am sorry that last Friday didn't work out. Call me soon. And, you are not going to look like a beached whale. Sonia