2011 Walk Now for Autism Speaks: Arizona - General Donation
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
It Feels like a life time...
So, it has been so long since I have had any time to blog. I have been inspired though. LOL. Life is so crazy and so busy all the time. I finally decided to go back to work full time and we decided it might be easier for all of us to hire a nanny. I have heard good and bad things about having a nanny, however, I made the right decision. Our nanny is Mary Poppins and perfect in every way.
She is so much like me with communication, so that makes it easy for EVERYONE. We went through a couple of nannies and I was introduced to Miss Jenna 2 months ago. I couldn't be more blessed. The hardest part for me in all of this is making a point to try to please everyone and I am sure you mom's know what I am talking about. Aside from all of that, there of course has been lots of family drama.
Most of you who know me know that I have had a close relationship with certain people in my family and I recently made the hardest decision to build a wall. It's not that I don't know how to "forgive'", but let me ask you all a question? Can you truly forgive someone, if you choose to never have a close relationship with them? My life seems so much happier since I have cut those relationships off, but the only problem I am struggling with now, is that whenever there are family events, I am forced to be around those I don't care to and it's a little too fresh surfaced for me. I hate having these feelings, but it's really hard not to. When the same people continue to hurt you all you can do is over protect yourself.
On a side note, our friends had a little baby boy. I haven't made a point to go around at all because alot of me feels like I have nightmares of my experience with Kade. Is that weird? Anyhow, I love my run on sentences. I am going to Utah to "save my husband" from his family so I will blog all about it when I am back.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
I am not great at blogging anymore....
So life has been super busy. Kade is getting so big so fast and he is starting to venture. Meaning, he has been smiling, cooing, sitting in his bumbo by himself, eating rice cereal like a big boy and jumping in his bouncer.
It's hard to believe that 4 months ago I was gazing at him in the NICU. He is such a joy and makes me feel so good when he sees me and his face just lights up. I almost forgot what that was like because Krew was never really like that. I think Krew is a daddy's boy and Kade is a mama's boy. I am fine with that.
I have recently started my own small business Dental AR Solutions. I love what I do but above all, I love being a mom.
My 2 boys and I have been a little under the weather recently and they are feeling much better, however, I am not. I am positive though and know I will be getting better soon. Sinus infections don't go away very quickly. I love blogger because I get to keep in touch with all of you to see what you are all up to these days.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
23 Weeks and counting

Here is a belly shot at 23 weeks. I am feeling pregnant and the baby is moving a lot. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroid disease so the Dr. said it would be hard for me to gain weight, however, the last time I went in, I had gained 9 pounds from the month before. I weigh myself everyday and today I have now lost 7 pounds of the 9. I don't get it. I guess I should be thankful, but I also want to be healthy and only have gained a total of 10 pounds during my entire pregnancy scares me, especially when I eat a whoooollllleeee bunch...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Val Vista Lakes Rocks!!
So last weekend (yeah I am a week behind, but hey at least it's not 6 months behind) we went to Val Vista Lakes pool because I have a membership there. I absolutely love that place. Krew especially loves it because he can play on the beach without drowning. We spent about 3 hours there and it was very blissful. I spent most of the time in the pool for once and Adam spent most of his time on the lounge chair. Quite the difference between the both of us considering that doesn't happen much. 4th of July weekend is ahead at full speed and we are just going to take it easy and relax. I have a wedding next weekend and then off to CO on the 15th to shoot another wedding. Here are some shots of last weekend!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
So, most of you know I am doomed with boys all boys. We just found out on Monday we are........................................yep having another boy!! Go figure. Of course we were expecting a little girl and to our surprise, it's a boy. Chinese calendar says girl, we went through certain steps to have a girl and still a boy. I know I am just destined to have boys boys and more boys. So, last Friday I had to mentally start preparing myself that my ultrasound on Monday was going to tell me I was having a boy, so what do I do. I decide I am going to get all the fun girl things out of my system and Krew will be my guinea pig. Here's what I came up with:
Trust me that is not a smile at the top!! He hated my guts for doing it!! In fact they are still painted and he comes up to me everyday, lifts his foot up to me and says, "Mommy, OFF!"
Once again, not a smile!! Adam hates me too for doing it, and then posting it on the internet to show the world that I painted my sons toes PINK!! Haha
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Pretty Proud
So, I have been doing good keeping up wouldn't you say. Alot has gone on this weekend and I can't really get into it a whole lot. Let's just say it involves my mother and an attorney.
Sometimes I sit here and ponder on how grateful I am for Adam's family and my father. I feel like these are the only people in my life that would never do anything to intentionally hurt us, besides my close friends. I have learned so much in life and sometimes cutting people out of your life, including your mother, is what the Lord has planned for now. It seems as though, every time I "take a break" from her, my life is so much more simple and easy going. The problem is, she is my mom and there isn't much I can do about that. As I sit here and look at my little guy, he looks at me with his huge brown eyes with trust that I would never hurt him and I could never imagine doing/saying some of the things my mother has done and said. This is like my online journal so if there are people reading this that don't like it, then I guess don't read it!!
I have actually tried being the bigger person and mending things, however, after speaking to a handful of people, it seems as though this relationship is not salvageable for now!! Damage has been done way too deep to imagine. It's amazing to me though that the people she has slandered me to, have actually defended me and put her in her place to say the least. I am truly blessed for those people that have stuck up for what is right!!
I feel like I am constantly reminded of my past when she is around or when we have a disagreement she can only shoot me down with my past and I think that everyone is just tired of her role as the "victim". I have just learned in life that there are more important things to cherish and I am not going to sit around and allow anyone to make me seem like I am a bad person.
I am always the first to say, I am not perfect and I have made mistakes, BIG ONES!! However, when people change, others need to allow them to forget about the past and move forward. Still to this day, I have not said nor will I ever say 1 bad thing about my mother to defame her character. I choose to be a bigger/better person than that.
Other than that, life has been ok. It's 8 pm, my little guy just went down for bed, no problems and I am on my way to jump into bed for a much needed 12 hours of sleep. I have a long week ahead of me.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
First Week Back from Vacation
So, this is our first week back since our vacation and the week has flown by. Being pregnant can be the best and worst thing at the same time. I have pregnancy brain and I now forget everything. It's kind of funny. We had an amazing trip in Utah. Sometimes I think I want to move back there, but then I get here and it just fits too. Adam has been working for the same company for 2 years and there is a position possibly opening up that will take us to Salt Lake. I have been thinking about it and wondering if things would be good there. I miss all my friends back there and it seems like the air is cleaner, however, I have mixed feelings. I absolutely hate hate hate the snow and refuse to live near it.
I shot some pictures of Adam's sister Callie and they turned out pretty dang good. Callie and I were super close before Adam and I got married and we had a falling out at one point, but who hasn't been there done that!! Well, I can honestly say that we both had a lot of growing up to do... ALOT!!!! We have been able to mend our relationship and are closer now than ever before. I love that girl.
We have a baby appointment again on Friday and we get to hear the heartbeat this time. I am really happy and really nervous as always. I have really got to get a grip on my emotions with this baby. GEEZ thanks Adam!! LOL. Well I am heading back to Utah the first week of July, can't wait!!
I have also had the opportunity to reunite with an old friend Mandi Jean. It's amazing how much you can love a person you haven't seen for almost 2 years. She stayed at our house while away in Utah and she is there for me whenever I need her. She is truly my BEST friend!! Thanks Mandi for all you do!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Really I haven't blogged since November!!
Wow, how time flies by eh!! Alot has happened since my last post and I am going to try to be better at keeping up like I use to. My photography has just hit the ground running and it has left me little time for blogging and my family. I have decided to limit my photography time to "once in a while" if you will. My poor husband has been Mr. mommy for a while now and I have to step in and help out.
We also just found out (the day before April fools) that WE'RE EXPECTING. I will have to post some prego pictures soon.
Krew turned 2 on May 30th and is growing like a weed. He is talking now and his favorite things are cars and balls. He is definitely taking after his daddy.
We are spending this week in Utah with family and it's been such a fun vacation. I miss Utah and all my friends here, but reality is we live in good ol' arizona.
Once again with my pregnancies, come issue after issue after issue. If you read my whole blog you would see that I just have issues with pregnancies! Well, this one is that way as well. It started off with me needing my apendix removed and then getting hyperthyroid disease. Thank heavens that is temporary. So, this may just be our last one. We will decide after I see what we are having. 3 boys might not do it for me just yet.
I can't believe that it's 2010! Adam and I will be married for 5 years this December and I can't believe how time flies by. It's so funny to see old friends and where they are now and I can't thank God enough for my husband. I am so glad we have one another and we love each other so much. There is so much divorce and craziness happening in the world.
I will be posting a little more now so until next time......
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Baby Maddie
This was such a fun shoot. We originally had planned for me to come at 8 am to do this shoot, but I wasn't quite prepared and had a couple last minute stops to make. It turned out perfectly. I wish I had more time so I could have shot a ton more, but these were some of the best I got. There are lots more, but couldn't fill up on this 1 page. Enjoy. Thanks Jamie for allowing me to capture these!! More to come on sunday.... stay tuned for my newly remodled living room!! and halloween pictures!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
LANDEN'S 9th Birthday Party
So, we had Landen's Birthday party tricked out Halloween style. I am actually quite proud of my decorations that I did!! I think they look so great I will keep them up until halloween. We decided to buy tons of cob webs and now I have lots left over!!
So, things went well. We did not end up with any blue frosting on my couch or carpet so I would have to say that it went pretty darn well!! A big thanks to Staci and Sonia. Staci, put together the food and all the games plus the pinata and my bestest friend Sonia is always my saving Grace. I love that girl. She has always been there for me and there to support my kids in any of their activities!! Even if it means canceling a hot date just to be there!! LOL
Thanks to everyone who came to support and share some fun with the party. Here are some pictures!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
SO...what would it be like.....
TO have a little baby girl????
So I was home all day and making crafts. Having to get orders out the door is a nightmare, however, I was working on one particular gift for my friend Jacque's brand new baby. I made a journal and then made the cutest headband w/ a flower. So Krew woke up and when he comes around my crafts, he starts scoping stuff out to see what he can get in to. Well, he then starts pointing at the counter where this beautiful headband is and keeps signing to me more more more more more. I am like lost at this point trying to figure out what more he wants of what!!!! So, then he starts grunting and getting frustrated with me because I am not giving him what he wants and I start picking stuff up to see if that what he is asking for. After I go through about 40 different toys the freaking headband was the last thing up there. So, when I grab it, he starts freaking out overly excited and it totally brings back the memory I had at work earlier of my friend Sara's blog and seeing photos of her twins with these headbands on. I thought oh, well maybe he wants to try it on and see what it's like. LOL I thought well I will take a few shots just to see what a little olson baby "girl" would look like. At this point Sara's story she told me at work start flustering through my brain and how pissed her husband was that she posted them on her blog. So Adam gets home right as I am uploading the pictures and I tried so hard to hide them as I am laughing and crying at the same time because they are so freaking cute and hilarious. Oh my, Jason (that's Sara's husband) and Adam must have had a conversation about it because it was like de je vu all over again hearing her story. Sorry, babe you can hate me now, but love me later when we don't have that precious little angel of yours and can always look back at these and think. He is such a handsome boy but makes a darling little girl. HAHAHAHAHA!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
WoodPaper Vintage Boutique. I am now registered and ready to sell sell sell on etsy. I needed that added push to do it and I did!! So this weekend has been filled with crafting, crafting, crafting.
Here are my previews. I will be crafting my heart out for the next 8 weeks, so if any of you would like to place an order, please let me know.
I am currently making the following blocks:
Each of the 3 letter blocks are $9.95 ea.
Any assortment of blocks over 6 letters are $2.00 ea (each block)
Each of the 6 letter blocks are $15.95 ea
You can make an assortment of whatever letters you want. I have orders for baby names, last names, the word Kitchen etc.
I am also making personalized journals, or you can make it a to-do book or whatever else you would like. Each journal is $6.95. These make wonderful gifts. I am currently making some for new mothers who want to start a journal for their new babies.
For those beautiful girls.... I have the headbands you all want with the giant flowers. Those run from $6.95-$12.95
Here are some of the pictures.
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