So Landen lost his first tooth!! It was one of the bottom ones. Funny thing is, I told him he gets the most from the tooth fairy when he loses the 1st tooth and when he woke up the next morning to look at how much, he threw a fit and said, "5 BUCKS THATS IT!! RIP OFF." I was so stunned. I guess he takes after Charley in that department!! We are doing really well, the Xmas lights business seems to finally be starting off. I started doing Arbonne which is seriously one of the most amazing products I have ever tried!! Yeah, and you all know me, I am a MAC and Mary Kay kind of a girl. Although I will never give up MAC, I did give up using Mary Kay!! I have learned so many things about this and am slowly changing out every product in my home. It's better to be safe then sorry right!!
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