OK so a lot of people have been requesting a picture of what my belly looks like so
here it is. This is my belly at 21 weeks. I am now 23 weeks and feel like I am twice as big.
So the update on my cardiologist appointment!! We went in yesterday super early and it took
about 3 hours for them to be done. The Dr. sat down and told us it is called EIF. Echogenic Intracardiac Focus. He explained that a lot of Dr's see that and react right away because it is linked to congenital heart disease. He explained that what Preston has is a calcium deposit in the pulmonary muscle of the left ventricle and he probably got it during the stage at which his heart is developed. He then said it is nothing that we need to worry about and he is not going to watch it any furhter. Adam and I have no history of heart disease in our family so little Preston will be just fine. I then spoke to my sis in law and she said she went through the same thing but her baby had a calcium deposit in his liver or lungs and that her Dr. said that if we looked at everyone under and ultrasound we would probably find one in everyone. That was such a relief to hear.
We just want to thank everyone for all of your support and kindness. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. My friend Stephanie just let me know too that her baby had the same thing, so I think this is more common then I thought. I am still researching it because I just like to know everything about it. I feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and I know Heavenly Father has taken a huge part in that. So, now I just need to make it through these next few months until he arrives. I absolutely hate bed rest, I swear if I ever have to do it again, I am requesting my friend Aimee to come down and keep me company. It is seriously the most boring thing in the world. I finally told my husband that he gets to do all the laundry and climb 3 flights of stairs from now until Preston is here so I can make sure I can go to work everyday. It's much better for me to be at work then right in front of the TV memorizing commercial after commercial. Thanks again to everyone friends, family and co-workers. We love you all.
nina, i am so glad everything is ok. its good to know that that is a pretty common thing. hang in there and rent lots of good movies!
This is the best news. We are so glad Preston is doing alright.
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