Landen loves being a big brother and loves it when he gets to hold him. It's so funny how he went from, "No I don't want you to have a baby because you will get fat" to "I am so glad you had Krew I love him."
So, today we got Adams formal job offer and I am so glad to say, I will not have to return back to work. We are so fortunate and blessed. It's like when it rains it pours and if you're patient, your break will come. So, we all went out to breakfast to celebrate. Krew was perfect, he never moved an inch. He is seriously such a perfect baby. He never ever cries, unless I am changing his diaper, but even when he is hungry he doesn't cry. Tuesday night was his first night where he actually slept through the night. Our Dr says not to let him, but I have always learned, NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY. So, for 2 nights in a row, he has his last feeding around 10 ish and he sleeps until 5:30am. It's been great to get some sleep. Adam is completely changed too. It's so cute to see him with Krew. He doesn't kiss a whole lot of people (including me) but oh my hek he sure kisses that boy alot. I have also noticed he drives super extra careful now too, which is good for me because most of our little squawls are because of his crazy impatient driving. We are all doing very well, I am dropping off my weight a lot but not fast enough. I am already down 15 pounds. One of my good friends is a personal trainer and has his own studio in Colorado, so he started me on supplements and a strict meal plan right away. As soon as my 6 weeks is here I will be doing a boot camp for 6 weeks ( I heard it kicks your butt) so I am excited about that. Here are some recent pics. Don't mind my fat arm and face, I am still losing water weight. 

He's perfect and I am glad you are getting some SERIOUS rest.
So sweet, I can't wait to hold him! Sean kisses Ryker all the time too!
Oh my gosh Nina, he is such a cute baby!! And Landen is so cute with Krew! I love those pictures!! I can't wait to come see that cute baby & you. You look amazing!!!
Love you!
Oh, Nina!! He's wonderful! And you look great. You HAVE to let me know when you all will be in town!!
He is so perfect and cute! You guys make great babies!! And you look great too for just having had a baby! I wish I could have looked that great.
Everyone looks happy!! Congrats again you two!!
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