So, the hills premiere came on tonight!!! OMG I have been waiting for this night for like 4 months. I can't wait to see more. I feel like they don't show enough I wish it was an hour long. Dang it. Oh I have never been so excited. You have to see for yourself to know what I mean. I am overly addicted!!!!
Never watched that show, but man I am counting days until Grey's Comes on!! and of course LOST in January!!!
I can't believe I missed it! I was outnumbered at home and Olympics was the winning vote :O( Do you know if or when they will replay the episode? I have been watching it since L.C. was on Lagune Hills :O)
I'm so happy they decided to go with another season...my husband...not so much. Hee, hee
It was awesome! I was mad that it was so short! They need to make it an hour. I will be there next week. Count on me!! For sure!! LOVE YOU!
I just logged on to tell you I watched the rerun last night...okay, I have always liked LO, but what is up with her lately?
And I just realized in my previous comment I put Laguna Hills...I meant Laguna Beach. Wow, I need to stop staying up late watching the Olympics...the sleep deprivation is showing :O)
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