Adam and I met in July of 2004 and were married in the Bountiful temple in December of 2005. I am from AZ so we moved back here in June of 2007. We have 3 boys. Landen 10 (previous marriage), Krew 3 and Kade 7 months. Oh yeah and we have 1 little dog, who is a daddy's princess and thinks she well...knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. I am the CEO of this wonderful family and Adam is the Founder and President. I have a masters degree in changing poopy diapers, cooking, cleaning, laundry and blogging. I speak a foreign language (baby talk).
Actually, I have been a Dental office manager for about 16 years at different offices and just started a new small business called Dental AR Solutions. I love being a mom and am so grateful that my husband allows me to be home to see our boys grow up.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Ok so the pups are getting huge, there is a huge one and the other 2 are the same size. So in the picture with their faces it goes- Riley, Cooper and Oakley. This is not set in stone yet, but we will have to see their personalities, for sure Riley is the 1st on though!! Staci already picked him out!! We are in love with the smaller one because he loves to cuddle and is super quiet, plus Jerzi was the smallest and quietest too, but she was the most playful when she was older, so like I said we have to see which of the 2 are more playful!! Anyhow, we took them last week to get their tails docked and their dew claws removed and oh my hek, Jerzi had to stay in the waiting room with us and Adam had to basically restrain her down because she was freaking out that her babies were gone and she could hear them crying!! I wonder what she will do when they leave us!! They should be opening their eyes any day now so we will continue taking more pics as they grow up!! I think Riley will stay black and Cooper and Oakley will turn the blonde/silver color like their mama.
They are adorable! Thanks for posting pictures :)
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