Ok, so I will post some pictures of Whitney and I soon (yes that is who I am talking about by the way). We went to The buddy walk this year together and had lots of fun, the biggest thing that stood out to me with her, is that she is so helpful with Krew. Most of my friends who either have no kids or who do have kids that are old enough to do things for themselves always seem to have busy lives and we can never make plans work. So, Whit came to me one day and asked if I would mind if her mom watched him so I didn't have to stress about it. I am usually way overprotective about my babies but I thought you know I trust Whitney so I trust her mom. Things were perfect, I couldn't have asked for a better person to watch him for a few hours. She has just seriously been such a good friend to me and I only hope our friendship grows from this point.
She is my massage partner and shopping partner, but I like to browse and take time and she likes to be in and out. My husband of course loves her and Bryan to death because Max Hall is her brother and being that he is the QB for BYU, it's a double plus for him. I don't care so much about that, but just the simple fact that I actually have someone in Arizona FINALLY that I can spend time with and be pals. Thanks Whit for being an amazing friend.
Ok so today was a really stressfull day for me. I had so much work overload this morning and I felt like the person that trained me has kind of left out a few things that are also my responsibilities. So, I have started quite a few patients and I have to get their charts put together from begining to end and I really feel overwhelmed with it all because I think some of this stuff she can take over and do, because it's little things and I just don't have time for that stuff. This girl now does insurance and collections so you would think she would be responsible for all of the insurance stuff. Not to mention, besides treatment coordinating, I also have to do all of the records on those patients, update any other info in the computer and help Dr. Tipton with presentations at other offices, which is by far my favorite thing I do. So, we had a presentation at 12 and Whitney and I had to go grab food and set up at their office so that gave me only 3 and 1/2 hours to get 8 charts put together.
So, Whitney comes in my office and says, "hey it's my good friends bday this weekend and I wanted to get her something different and was thinking of like a fruit basket, do you know of any companies that do this?" Anyone that knows me knows how obsessed I am with
Edible Arrangements so I pull up the website and show her all sorts of stuff.
So, about 2 hours later the front office girl, Alice, comes in my office and gives me a bag from Edible arrangements and said that some patient dropped it off and said he was asked to give it to Nina. I was thinking what the hek, thats weird, Whit was just talking to me about this maybe its really hers. So as I open it up this is what I found:
to later find out that Adam called Whitney at work to have her find this out cause he couldn't remember the name of the place. Sneaky little girlie!!!
Talk about being on cloud 9. Adam never does these things so I totally went to my office and just cried. I just thought how cute it was for him to think of me and remember how much these were my favorite. He knows what a tough time I am having with everything and he couldn't have picked a better day. That was exactly what I needed. It reminded me what an amazing husband I have and no matter what the future holds, he is by my side for eternity.
So, now on to the Dr thing. Well 2 wednesdays ago, I had my apt to meet with the dr to get my results and I was scared to death. As I am leaving the parking lot from work, a guy totally backs out and hits right into me. Not just hits, but I think he meant to hit the brake and hit the gas instead cause he smashed the passenger front fender and tire. At this point I was ready to scream at him and I realized, he had some sort of a disability so I couldn't bring myself to do it. He gave me his info and I couldn't drive it, so of course, here comes Whitney to the rescue to take me to my appointment. She drops me off and when I finally get called back the Dr sits me down and says, "well I can't rule out MS at this point because your spinal mri's show lesions on your spinal cord. However, there are not but only 2 big lesions on your brain, so your next step at this point is to do a full blood work up to test for some sort of proteins blah blah blah. So, I had that done in the office and got the results back on that and it came back positive for proteins. She did say that almost everyone's blood work will. So, now it's time for me to do one more test which is a spinal tap so they can test to see if my CSF produces what is called oligoclonal bands. If that comes back positive, then there you have it. I have decided that I am going to wait until after the holidays to have this done. Yes, I am afraid to know and I just want to enjoy this time with my family and not worry about what I possibly will have to deal with if that is her diagnoses. I am just glad and grateful that she is going through every single possible test before making a decision. Having said that, I have had a rough few weeks. I am extremely exhausted, my muscles ache for no reason. I get major migranes and I am just trying to best I can to stay strong, not break down and just cry and to be a good mother, wife, friend and whatever else I can be. I have been getting several massages and adjusted by the chiropractor (that mostly because my accident has made things worse). I didn't realize how quickly things happen and then how crappy you feel the next day.
Other than my house being a complete disaster and Adam being gone 24-7 because of the season, I just feel like I can't do this on my own. I use to be able to stay on top of cleaning and my house needs a major cleaning job.
Also, if anyone knows of anyone who is looking to sell or get rid of some furniture, please let me know. We are looking for an espresso colored dresser for our bedroom, and my bestest most favorite sister-in-law, whom I have become extremely close to in all of this is giving us her sons bedroom set for Landen so I can finally have my guest room set up for her for this thanksgiving. I can't wait until they get here because the malls her open at midnight and we are just going to have a freaking blast. She has really been like a sister/best friend that has just sad and listened to me sob and cry about all of this and just the fact that she lives so far away and I can't be right there with her, to share tears and have a shoulder to cry on or be a shoulder for her to cry on. But, I will get through this, I keep telling her that I think with all the trial we have both had in our lives (mine doesn't even compare to hers) that we were the ones in heaven telling God to give us as many trials as possible because we can handle them and we will be strong and get through it and no matter what stands in our way, it will never make us give up hope.
Ok, there is my life story for the past couple weeks in a nutshell.
oh and of course, we are having family pictures taken tomorrow (or today if you count that it's past midnight and I can't sleep from insomnia knowing who just got elected president) by the lovely
amanda who is so talented and reminds me everyday not to stress out that everything will be fine. You see I tend to stress when I am gettin MY family pictures taken cause everyone has to look sharp and perfect and I just hope it turns out for the best. I can't wait to get some posted. I will be sending out christmas cards so if you want one, email me your address please. Most of you I don't have your addresses so I need them. Email me at
nina@olsonfamilyweb.com so I can start the list. or if it's easier, leave a comment with your address and I will be sure to delete it.
Thanks husband for the strawberries, you are the best. And thanks Whitney and Crystal for inviting us over to watch the game tonight, I can't wait for the BYU/UofU game in 2 weeks. Max will rock them!! Thanks Crystal too for watching my little guy at the last minute, you are the best. Here are some fun random pictures I have not posted. Some are from 2004 with my good friends (at the time) Raegan, Jacque and Melissa. Miss ya girls.

K you cant tell me Krew is not his little mini me!! They are identical it's not even funny!!