I can't believe I keep doing this, I have now decided I am buying a year supply of sticky notes to put on my computer to remind me of birthdays. So, I wake up this morning at 6:45am so excited to work on this project for my sister in law so it can be finalized and delivered TODAY because YES i thought her birthday was TODAY 11-22!! So, my husband comes down and sees what I am doing and is like who is that for. I told him "Duh Adam it's for Katie, I remembered it was her birthday today and you didn't HAHA." For him to snicker and laugh very annoyingly. He then says, "don't count all your eggs before their hatched." I say, "what the hek are you talking about?" He says, "I know Katie's birthday is sometime in the 20's of November, but I know for a fact it's not today, Honey I am sorry but once again I think we missed another birthday." I was so eager to prove him wrong that I go to my facebook calendar that has a list of all the birthdays and holidays on it for me to stay on top of it. So, I can't find it and just go to katie's profile and her header says, "I love birthday wishes." So I thought for sure haha he is so proven wrong otherwise why would it say that. Then I scroll down and there it is coming at me in like font size 500 NOVEMBER 20,1981. OH MY GOSH, I AM SUCH A FAILURE. I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS.............AGAIN.............. I SUCK AT THIS THING. I am totally trying to stay on top of birthdays and I probably forgot everyone who is important to me this year.
So, Katie I do this for all the birthdays, here are a few reasons why I love you so much:
1)You are so much fun to be with.
2)You are such a good mom and wife.
3)You are one of the sweetest people I know.
4)You are always there when I need my Pepsi!!
5)You are always checking up on me to make sure I am ok.
6)You have an amazing testimony and strong values that you stick to.
7)You are like me in the sense that you don't hold back what's on your mind when you feel someone is attacking you or someone you love (except you are better at knowing the right place and right time to do it).
8)I love that you love M.A.C cause it gives me more ideas of things to buy you, (except this year I didn't see your wish list and managed to get you something completely different).
9)You are Mary Poppins in my eyes. (that's good, not bad)
10)You love taking corky pictures with me. (no I wont post them again).
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry I missed the day, but I promise I woke up this morning and you were the first thing I thought about (besides brushing my teeth).
I love you!!!
No worries, thank you so much for thinking of me today. I just got the delivery and it is YUMMY! I love chocolate!
Thanks again,
You are so sweet (& funny)! No need for sticky notes. What you need is birthdayalarm.com
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