Landen's turned out great. I just bought a cheap green shirt from target, cut the sleeves off and tada, out came a tunic. I got a turtle neck and sweat pants......anyhow, he loved it so that's all that matters. I didn't have time to get gloves or a hat, but he didn't seem to mind. So, Friday comes and I went to the chiropractor Friday morning for a massage and to get adjusted from a car accident I was in on Wed. on my way to the Dr's appointment to find out my results, but again another post for another time. Anyways, Landen's school called he was sick, so I had to cancel my massage, go get him, take him to the dr. to find out it was a mild cold. Went to target, bought him medicine and came home. We both took a nap for 4 hours, along with Krew so by the time we woke up, it was 5pm and trick or treating starts here around 530ish. Holy cow, I was freaking, I tore my house to pieces to try to find my charger for my camera battery and couldn't find it anywhere. All in all, I just took some with my phone and the boys had a great time. Here are some pictures of Halloween.

So, I just love my little guy. I am so excited everyday to come home, feed him, play with him and put him down for bedtime. So, one day I decided to surprise him with a gift. I got him this cute vtech laptop for babies. Oh my gosh it was the funnest thing to watch him enjoy. Take a look for yourself. He has managed to roll over now so that is exciting. We bought him a highchair and he now eats cereal before bedtime, and he eats one vegtable or fruit a day. So far he hates carrotts, bananas, peaches and pears. I am still learning with him though so I will continue feeding him those until he is old enough to pass them up. He gets in the mode of moving his face to the side when he knows its coming. He will taste it first and if he knows its one of those, he puckers his lips and hides his face to the side so I can't get a spoonful in. He will take applesauce, rice cereal, green beans, peas and sweet potatoes anyday though. His checkup is soon so I will leave an update with his numbers. He is growing so fast. I swear everyone thinks he is like a year old. He is super tall. Here are some fun videos of his first expression of his new laptop.
Wow are very busy these days! Looks like all and all you had a good time on Halloween. (Plus, you can never complain about a good nap) :O)
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help...keep your head up!
Hey where happened to the other baby...I mean yorkie that was on your header? Do you still have him/her?
Nina, wow! You always have something crazy going on! I think that they turned out great though! Super cute little dudes!
Adam! I just barely noticed your comment on our blog. So good to hear from you! Your wife is beautiful and your kids are so cute. Congratulations on your broccoli baby! (his costume is so cute) I hope you don't mind me checking out your blog...
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