I don't know if you may come to my blog again, however, I got Camay's parents address from a friend and I would really like your email address so I can email you. Thank you so much for leaving that comment. It really hit home for me. I can't imagine what you and Brooklyn are going through and I won't even try to think I know, but just know one thing. Everything happens for a reason and she is looking over both of you. My heart aches just knowing that she is no longer here. I really wished I had the chance to say goodbye and I feel like I haven't been able to find my own way to do it. I know I have never met you or Brooklyn but there hasn't been a day that hasn't gone by that I haven't thought about your pain and you are in my prayers.
She truly was an amazing person but I strongly believe it doesn't end here. Her spirit will live on through Brooklyn and one day, you will be able to be with her in Heaven. I haven't seen or talk to her in 10 years and I am having such a hard time with it but I still can't even imagine being in your shoes. Be strong Fred, as Brooklyn needs that more than ever. She may not know her mother physically here and now, but I am sure she will know what an amazing mother she was and how much the two of you loved each other. Camay lived life to the fullest and I am certain she is watching over you and Brooklyn with a smile, just thinking that she was the luckiest person in the world to have had you and Brooklyn as her husband and daughter. As Camay use to say when summer break came, "It's never goodbye, it's...... I'll talk to ya soon."
My husband lost his father at a young age and my sister in law just recently lost her husband on Sept. 11th so I have seen them go through the tough times of losing someone. If you ever want to talk to someone or just email, please please don't hesitate.
The comment you left was the best christmas gift I could ever have received, as it was an honor to have her in my life for the time I knew her, I just wished I was better at keeping in touch with her so I could tell her that. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
So, we are running into major issues with this whole trip. First off, we bought a truck because our tiny little mazda 3 is not longer big enough for a growing family of 4 or 5 if you include the dog. On top of that, we have the loan and everything done, the dealership is totally screwing with us and making up all the excuses until I STEPPED IN!!! So, I get the guy on the phone and called him out on all his B.S. and said ok now tell me the truth here because I have dealt with plenty of dealerships and every excuse you are coming out with are pathetic. So, truth be told, the guy that traded in the truck we are buying (get that or is it confusing) is having problems getting his financing for the truck he bought!! DONT YA THINK THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN SMARTER AND PROBABLY NOT LISTED THE TRUCK WE BOUGHT UNTIL HIS LOAN WAS APPROVED!! Yeah, I am a little irritated. So, we probably won't even be coming up until sunday, if ever!! To add to it.........
My poor mom (I can't believe I haven't even posted about this yet) her 50th birthday was on Dec. 8th. She ended up falling and hurt herself soooo bad. I don't mean like she bruised her side. She tore her quad muscle off of the bone and tore the tendons that attach to her knee cap and the tendons that attach to her hip. So, she had to have major surgery Wednesday and after surgery she was not doing too good at all they kept her in recovery and no one could see her for 3 1/2 hrs. NOT NORMAL. Thursday I went to the hospital to hang out with her (which she was so sad when she saw me because I didn't call her Wed after her surgery to see how she was, oh but I did, Dallin just never gave them the message) and the PT came in to make her get up and sit in a chair to start moving around a bit. She did awesome I was so happy. She has been miserable, they had to drill 2 holes in her knee cap and my mom is a pretty tough cookie, but when she is in pain it's bad!!!! She said it's worse then childbirth. Anyways, so the PT said she had to have 24 hr supervision if she gets released for 2 weeks. My stepdad has to work so that leaves MEEEE!! So, I have been so worried about leaving until I know what's going to happen with her situation. She really wants to go to a rehabilitation center so she has 24 hr supervision and help getting up and around, but my stepdad isn't too hyped on the deal, which I can understand he wants her home and wants to take care of her. But...... he can't be there 24/7, so she has to do what's best for her. How sad, usually you joke for a 50th birthday and bring a gag gift like a walker or a wheelchair and for hers, she got the real thing!!! :(
My poor mom (I can't believe I haven't even posted about this yet) her 50th birthday was on Dec. 8th. She ended up falling and hurt herself soooo bad. I don't mean like she bruised her side. She tore her quad muscle off of the bone and tore the tendons that attach to her knee cap and the tendons that attach to her hip. So, she had to have major surgery Wednesday and after surgery she was not doing too good at all they kept her in recovery and no one could see her for 3 1/2 hrs. NOT NORMAL. Thursday I went to the hospital to hang out with her (which she was so sad when she saw me because I didn't call her Wed after her surgery to see how she was, oh but I did, Dallin just never gave them the message) and the PT came in to make her get up and sit in a chair to start moving around a bit. She did awesome I was so happy. She has been miserable, they had to drill 2 holes in her knee cap and my mom is a pretty tough cookie, but when she is in pain it's bad!!!! She said it's worse then childbirth. Anyways, so the PT said she had to have 24 hr supervision if she gets released for 2 weeks. My stepdad has to work so that leaves MEEEE!! So, I have been so worried about leaving until I know what's going to happen with her situation. She really wants to go to a rehabilitation center so she has 24 hr supervision and help getting up and around, but my stepdad isn't too hyped on the deal, which I can understand he wants her home and wants to take care of her. But...... he can't be there 24/7, so she has to do what's best for her. How sad, usually you joke for a 50th birthday and bring a gag gift like a walker or a wheelchair and for hers, she got the real thing!!! :(
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
So, it hasn't been the best few days for both me and my little man. We got up on
sunday and got ready for church to realize that Krew wasn't breathing right. He had been stuffy for the last few days as well so we decided to take him to urgent care. While we were there the front office girl heard him coughing and got an MA out right away, they put something in front of his mouth and said bring him back right away. We finally got her to tell us that he was only getting about 90% oxygen and that is harmful to babies. So, Dr came in and diagnosed him with bronchiolitis. Yes it is a term and no it's not bronchitis. Anyways, she gave us a breathing machine to stick him on and he has been doing swell with it. We took him back today to his reg. Dr and she was a bit surprised that the dr never looked in his ears. TO our surprise!!! DOUBLE WHAMY, DOUBLE EAR INFECTIONS. She said that's the reason he is so clogged up, no bronchiolitis. What the crap!! He also had 2 shots as well. Poor thing. But his stats are over bearing. He is starting to sit alone, thanks to good old bumbo, his favorite thing in the world is elmo. Loves loves elmo. Its so funny to watch him stare at his talking elmo. 18 lbs 3 oz. and 28 in long. FOLKS WE HAVE A BASKETBALL PLAYER IN THE MAKING!! He is going to be a tall one. He hasn't even hit 7 months old yet and he can't even fit into 6-9 mo clothes, he is now in 9-12 mo and in some, 12-18 mo. Oh hek. What do I do now. I think I have about 10 brand spanking new outfits that still have tags on them.
Me... on the other hand woke up Monday with a tiny bit of a sore throat. Went to work and about 3 pm it hit me like a ton of bricks, I was getting very very sick. Ususally it's always around Christmas (which is another reason to add to my list of why I hate it so much, see I have already validated my dislike) but I hate the feeling that you can't get up to do anything. So, I went to bed at 6 and didn't wake up till 9:30 am. Went to the Dr. STREP THROAT!! Yikes. Of course babies rarely catch it so I was happy to be able to still hold and love him, but it sucks cause I was out of commission for that day and today. I have never been so excited to go to work, I have been bored out of my misery. But, too exhausted to get anything else accomplished. So, my wonderful husband, has made me dinner and has helped clean house and get suitcases ready for Utah!! I CAN'T WAIT. T- 17 DAYS OF PARTY TIME.
Me... on the other hand woke up Monday with a tiny bit of a sore throat. Went to work and about 3 pm it hit me like a ton of bricks, I was getting very very sick. Ususally it's always around Christmas (which is another reason to add to my list of why I hate it so much, see I have already validated my dislike) but I hate the feeling that you can't get up to do anything. So, I went to bed at 6 and didn't wake up till 9:30 am. Went to the Dr. STREP THROAT!! Yikes. Of course babies rarely catch it so I was happy to be able to still hold and love him, but it sucks cause I was out of commission for that day and today. I have never been so excited to go to work, I have been bored out of my misery. But, too exhausted to get anything else accomplished. So, my wonderful husband, has made me dinner and has helped clean house and get suitcases ready for Utah!! I CAN'T WAIT. T- 17 DAYS OF PARTY TIME.
Friday, December 12, 2008
How I met my significant other.
How did you meet your significant other?
Answer all the questions honestly and re-post as "How I Met My Significant Other."

1. Where did you meet?
At a singles party for pioneer days.
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
He is the hottest dancer.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
Jeans and an orange long sleeved shirt.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
In the backseat of his friends car. I have to elaborate, he reached back to grab some cd's and kept doing it so I knew he wanted it!! LOL
5. Where did you go for your first date?
Cafe Rio, then Sears, which is where we kissed.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
Six long and dreadful months (worst 6 months ever)!
7. How did he ask you out?
Well I change the question, he never asked me out, but on my birthday I called him on my lunch break and told him about this guy that kept bugging the crap out of me, so he said, tell that Darryl (this is the term he uses when he thinks a guy is a dork) you have a boyfriend.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes he did. When we went to Boston for 4th of July, we took a stroll down town and that's when he said those magical words.
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Yes the cutest little munchkin ever, KREW.
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
ACTUALLY, yes!! For our 2nd date, we went penny tapping. I didn't know it was illegal until my friend Aimee had the cops show up at her parents, oops, but oh so much fun.
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
The first night I met him and saw his sexy moves.
12. Do you get along with his family?
Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Sure why not!!
13. Do you trust this person?
Yup! Only guy I ever have!!
14. Do you see him as your partner in your future?
For eternity.
15. What is the best gift he gave you?
There are too many to say, but um this year, I cheated and saw that little blue box that every woman dreams of seeing! So, I don't know we will see.
16. What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
Let's see Landen will be married with a kid or two and krew will be 15 and I am sure we will have already had our other 4 kids, so hopefully back in Utah, debt free and loving our children.
18. What causes the most arguments?
revert back to question 16, you will get it.
19. How long have you been together?
Together, 4 1/2 years, married almost 3.
20. Are you married?
21. Who do you tag?
Janelle, Katie, Aimee, Summer, Ashley, Laree, and who ever else reads this!!
Answer all the questions honestly and re-post as "How I Met My Significant Other."

1. Where did you meet?
At a singles party for pioneer days.
2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
He is the hottest dancer.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
Jeans and an orange long sleeved shirt.
4. Where was the first time you kissed this person?
In the backseat of his friends car. I have to elaborate, he reached back to grab some cd's and kept doing it so I knew he wanted it!! LOL
5. Where did you go for your first date?
Cafe Rio, then Sears, which is where we kissed.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
Six long and dreadful months (worst 6 months ever)!
7. How did he ask you out?
Well I change the question, he never asked me out, but on my birthday I called him on my lunch break and told him about this guy that kept bugging the crap out of me, so he said, tell that Darryl (this is the term he uses when he thinks a guy is a dork) you have a boyfriend.
8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Yes he did. When we went to Boston for 4th of July, we took a stroll down town and that's when he said those magical words.
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Yes the cutest little munchkin ever, KREW.
10. Have you ever broken the law with this person?
ACTUALLY, yes!! For our 2nd date, we went penny tapping. I didn't know it was illegal until my friend Aimee had the cops show up at her parents, oops, but oh so much fun.
11. When was the first time you realized that you liked this person?
The first night I met him and saw his sexy moves.
12. Do you get along with his family?
Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Sure why not!!
13. Do you trust this person?
Yup! Only guy I ever have!!
14. Do you see him as your partner in your future?
For eternity.
15. What is the best gift he gave you?
There are too many to say, but um this year, I cheated and saw that little blue box that every woman dreams of seeing! So, I don't know we will see.
16. What is one thing he does that gets on your nerves?
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
Let's see Landen will be married with a kid or two and krew will be 15 and I am sure we will have already had our other 4 kids, so hopefully back in Utah, debt free and loving our children.
18. What causes the most arguments?
revert back to question 16, you will get it.
19. How long have you been together?
Together, 4 1/2 years, married almost 3.
20. Are you married?
21. Who do you tag?
Janelle, Katie, Aimee, Summer, Ashley, Laree, and who ever else reads this!!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
My cute handsome little man broke 2 teeth this last week. He is also feeling yucky so I think this stage is going to be around for a while. He was miserable for a few days but he is back to normal now. He is getting so big. I cant believe how fast they grow. He still holds the record for best baby. Still sleeps a ton. He sleeps 11 hours through the night, wakes up eats goes back down for 3 hours wakes up eats plays and takes a smaller nap only about an hour or 2 then is up to play and eat his dinner, then bath, story time (if I have time being that it is Christmas Lights season) and off to bed. He is looking more and more like his daddy everyday. His manorisms too. I am so blessed to have this little munchkin!! I saw this saying somewhere the other day and it just made me start crying because I think as mothers we all pray for it. It says:
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for you to keep my children young enough to keep believing in you. Landen is getting to that age where he is going to figure it out and I just hope and pray I still have a few more years left of it with him.
I have always hated the holidays and get so so depressed around this time and I am trying to change that but I guess it's just not going to happen. I turn into awnry Nina!! I absolutely just hate hate hate Christmas!! I hate listening to christmas music, I hate bell ringers who stand in front of the stores. I hate green and red, I hate the snow, I hate wrapping gifts. The only thing I enjoy is being with family and seeing my childrens faces the morning of christmas. I could do without everything else but those 2 things. So, this year I am trying to think of positive things, like ok so when I go to utah I might as well go snowboarding with my husband (that's one of his presents is me going snowboarding because he bought me snowboarding clothes 2 years ago and they still have the tags on them) so he can laugh at me falling on my butt but enjoy doing something he loves. Adam says we are dragging Tricia and Whitney with us A) because Whit loves snowboarding B) because Tricia has never been and she is going to try it!!! So there ya have it!!

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for you to keep my children young enough to keep believing in you. Landen is getting to that age where he is going to figure it out and I just hope and pray I still have a few more years left of it with him.
I have always hated the holidays and get so so depressed around this time and I am trying to change that but I guess it's just not going to happen. I turn into awnry Nina!! I absolutely just hate hate hate Christmas!! I hate listening to christmas music, I hate bell ringers who stand in front of the stores. I hate green and red, I hate the snow, I hate wrapping gifts. The only thing I enjoy is being with family and seeing my childrens faces the morning of christmas. I could do without everything else but those 2 things. So, this year I am trying to think of positive things, like ok so when I go to utah I might as well go snowboarding with my husband (that's one of his presents is me going snowboarding because he bought me snowboarding clothes 2 years ago and they still have the tags on them) so he can laugh at me falling on my butt but enjoy doing something he loves. Adam says we are dragging Tricia and Whitney with us A) because Whit loves snowboarding B) because Tricia has never been and she is going to try it!!! So there ya have it!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
I am a little behind yes. Claudia and Tricia came into town for thanksgiving and it was the funnest time in the world. I didn't stress too much because there were not a whole ton of people here. Just us and them and about 4-5 kids so it was perfect. They got in on Thanksgiving day and I must say I never cooked a turkey before and it turned out great. Thanks to Claudia who had to tell me exactly what to do. We ate and sat around and chatted then we hit the sack knowing what lies ahead of us. 5:30am my alarm goes off and we are out the door headed to the mall. When we get there I am expecting a whole slew of cars and it was EMPTY!! Sucks for the economy but good for us. We got all of the shopping done that needed to be done there and off we went to AZ mills mall. We spent most of our day there, got the best deals and then headed to Chandler mall. We finally arrived home at 9:30p.m. WORLD record for shopping for me, but that's why I love being with Tricia so much, cause without kids and hubbies, we could shop all freaking day. We were beat when we got home and hit the bed hard. Saturday morning came and we decided to have a Sis day. What I mean by that is, just the two of us went and pampered ourselves. Tricia got her hair done, we went and relaxed at the spa and got pedicures and our nails done and our eyebrows waxed. It would have been nice to get a massage, however, it was already dinner time so we met up with Adam and Claudia and had dinner, just the adults and Krew of course.
I must say I have the best mother in law in the world. While Tricia and I were out, she did all of our laundry for us. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT. I don't think my own mother would do that. She adores Krew and just can't get enough of him. He was in heaven having grandma here to spend the entire day with him. She is such a great blessing.
And of course Tricia.... my bestie!! We have a lot in common, but it was so nice to finally just be able to talk and spend some time together. She is someone I can confide in and joke with and laugh with. We don't even have to be talking about anything, we can just look at each other and start laughing. She is so happy and beautiful, inside and out and I am so grateful to have her as part of my family.
So, Sunday comes and it's time for them to go, but we decided we will go to this place and take a few pictures of them before they head out. They turned out so stinking cute. Here is what I came out with.
Raegan is getting so big, and she is so photogenic. As you can see, Jeffrey wanted nothing to do with pictures, but I got this one shot of him that turned out superb!! I love you guys, cant wait till christmas!!
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