Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is for you to keep my children young enough to keep believing in you. Landen is getting to that age where he is going to figure it out and I just hope and pray I still have a few more years left of it with him.
I have always hated the holidays and get so so depressed around this time and I am trying to change that but I guess it's just not going to happen. I turn into awnry Nina!! I absolutely just hate hate hate Christmas!! I hate listening to christmas music, I hate bell ringers who stand in front of the stores. I hate green and red, I hate the snow, I hate wrapping gifts. The only thing I enjoy is being with family and seeing my childrens faces the morning of christmas. I could do without everything else but those 2 things. So, this year I am trying to think of positive things, like ok so when I go to utah I might as well go snowboarding with my husband (that's one of his presents is me going snowboarding because he bought me snowboarding clothes 2 years ago and they still have the tags on them) so he can laugh at me falling on my butt but enjoy doing something he loves. Adam says we are dragging Tricia and Whitney with us A) because Whit loves snowboarding B) because Tricia has never been and she is going to try it!!! So there ya have it!!
I hope I am included in that snowboarding trip. Went today for the first time...I have a lot of practicing to do!
Little miss Nina, don't be a poop about going snowboarding! It will be fun! Don't you like to laugh? You know, that hard laugh you can't stop and you start to snort? Well, that is what snowboarding will be. All of us sucking and laughing really hard at ourselves. It will be great fun! Can't wait! PS I LOVE the holidays! When you are having a hard time loving them too, just picture Santa naked or something. Ok, maybe that won't work ;)
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What a cute little man! He does look like Adam. Sounds like he is a dream baby. I have had 3 really good babies so I am crossing my fingers that this next one is good too! I am laughing at your dear santa letter...I LOVE all the things that you hate. I am one of those people that lives for Christmas season. You are so funny!
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