This is my latest project from photoshop. We went and had a mommy and me day because I have been working so much I feel left out of this little guys life!! He is growing so fast I don't even know where the time has gone!! I miss him so so much. So, life is a bit chaotic and I have promised to spend as much time with my boys as possible from this point on!! I have been feeling like my busy life is catching up to me and I still have not managed to go and have my spinal tap done. Even though I get a call about every other day from the Dr. i have managed to put it off. Oh, but i know soon it will all catch up and eventually I will have to face my fears and have it done.
It's amazing the people the Lord puts in your life. I do have hope after meeting someone my age and her story is the same as mine. She has had the same EXACT symtoms I have, has went through all the testing and when her results came back from the spinal tap. NEGATIVE!! So, yes ther is hope!! We are going to start running and working out to hopefully take off some of the pain and exhaustion that keeps us down!!
That picture is sooooooooooooo should frame it it one of your homemade frames and hang it up in his room :)
What a handsome little man! I wish you guys were closer so we could see him more. Him and Ryker would be buddies. I think I may be coming in March for Spring Break. I think it is a good plan to spend as much time as you can with them while you can. It really is amazing how fast time goes. Can you believe Ryker is almost 1?! As for all the medical are STRONG! You will be able to face anything that comes your way! I am always here :)
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