If you truly want to hear someone pray the way they are suppose to here is Landen's prayer:
"Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for this day. How are you doing today? I am good. I am getting baptized this Saturday and I bet you are so proud of me. I am really happy and feel good inside me. Will you please help me to remember to be good this week and please protect us from bad stuff. I hope you will be there to see me on Saturday, I love you. In the name of Jesus Christ,
Oh my gosh I couldn't help but smile for days and days. Saturday went great. The best part about it besides seeing Landen cry tears of joy on our way home, was seeing his dad right there next to him participating in every song, (including children's hymns) and just so happy that Landen was happy.
His favorite thing to do now is to remind me that I better repent when I get upset with him and ask him to clean up or scold him for doing something I just said not to.
His grandma gave a talk on baptism and she used this paper model and had a jar of peanut butter (that represents sin) and he loves telling me when I scold him, that I am going to be full of peanut butter if I keep it up.
Funny I know, but it makes me so happy to hear that. He is the most sensitive kid ever and wants to make sure he isn't hurting anyone's feelings. I sat him down to write thank you cards and he told me that i need to write them and he will tell me what to say WORD-FOR-WORD, so here are a few cute ones.
We get the chicks!! Thanks for coming to my baptism, you are my cool uncle.
(so me of course ask, what the hek does that mean, we get the chicks!!) Landen says, "um its a me and kyle thing because we get the chicks!!" LOL, oh brother, we got a heartbreaker on our hands.
K and another.
Grandma Shauna and Grandpa Ken,
You teached me alot yesterday. Thank you for talking at my baptism.
I love you,
Landen (teached? I love it)
Grandma Arnette, Grandpa and Dallin,
Thanks for coming to my baptism, you guys are the best, I am glad grandpa is home from california, Grandma, you are pretty.
He is the greatest thing that ever happened to me. He makes me smile everyday that I am down. Today was a painful day at church with my neck and back and he gave me a massage the whole way home. He always tells me, "Mommy I am so glad Heavenly Father picked you for my mom because you are so cute and because you married Adam. He is the best step-dad in the whole wide world."
Oh thanks!!
Krew is getting huge. Will be 10 mo. soon and he is crawling faster than speed, and is pulling himself up on furniture. Where has the time gone? Here are the pictures from Saturday!!

1 comment:
Fun! What a great decision! You look great! Did you get your order?
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