Adam's birthday was yesterday and we had lots of fun. He had to go to Tucson for the day for work and Landen spent the night so we decided to go to Wal-mart and pick out his favorite candy and make him a candy gram. That's what Landen wanted to do for his birthday. This is what he came up with. I couldn't help but laugh my head off. You may not be able to ready the whole thing but it was hilarious. Our friends had us over for a BBQ at their house and we ended up back home with Danny and Mel and watched August Rush. It was a very mellow Friday but very nice! Thanks Mel and Danny for your kindness Adam loves Red Robin.
So, we also had lots of fun with Krew on Daddy's birthday!! He is getting so smart and has the cutest personality. So, we were trying to teach him to smile when he sees the camera so we can take some cute pictures. Well, this is what his personality told him to do every time he sees the camera. Now we can't get him to smile. HAHA. I seriously almost peed my pants because they are so freaking cute and so funny..

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