Adam and I met in July of 2004 and were married in the Bountiful temple in December of 2005. I am from AZ so we moved back here in June of 2007. We have 3 boys. Landen 10 (previous marriage), Krew 3 and Kade 7 months. Oh yeah and we have 1 little dog, who is a daddy's princess and thinks she well...knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. I am the CEO of this wonderful family and Adam is the Founder and President. I have a masters degree in changing poopy diapers, cooking, cleaning, laundry and blogging. I speak a foreign language (baby talk).
Actually, I have been a Dental office manager for about 16 years at different offices and just started a new small business called Dental AR Solutions. I love being a mom and am so grateful that my husband allows me to be home to see our boys grow up.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Really I haven't blogged since November!!

Wow, how time flies by eh!! Alot has happened since my last post and I am going to try to be better at keeping up like I use to. My photography has just hit the ground running and it has left me little time for blogging and my family. I have decided to limit my photography time to "once in a while" if you will. My poor husband has been Mr. mommy for a while now and I have to step in and help out.

We also just found out (the day before April fools) that WE'RE EXPECTING. I will have to post some prego pictures soon.

Krew turned 2 on May 30th and is growing like a weed. He is talking now and his favorite things are cars and balls. He is definitely taking after his daddy.

We are spending this week in Utah with family and it's been such a fun vacation. I miss Utah and all my friends here, but reality is we live in good ol' arizona.

Once again with my pregnancies, come issue after issue after issue. If you read my whole blog you would see that I just have issues with pregnancies! Well, this one is that way as well. It started off with me needing my apendix removed and then getting hyperthyroid disease. Thank heavens that is temporary. So, this may just be our last one. We will decide after I see what we are having. 3 boys might not do it for me just yet.

I can't believe that it's 2010! Adam and I will be married for 5 years this December and I can't believe how time flies by. It's so funny to see old friends and where they are now and I can't thank God enough for my husband. I am so glad we have one another and we love each other so much. There is so much divorce and craziness happening in the world.

I will be posting a little more now so until next time......


TJ and Jen Sherwood said...

Congrats on the baby! That is so exciting! I want pictures.

KRISTIE said...

you blogging slacker!! :)
congrats on the baby! I am so excited, your very own newborn model! I only wish I lived closer so I could do the pictures!!!