So, Adam totally loves playing sports and on a Saturday a couple weeks ago, he went to play in a practice game. Well this was the end result. He walked inside and was practically in tears. I took one look at the very deep deep strawberries on both his legs and told him, he doesn't have a choice but to clean them out with alcohol and put Band-Aids on them. Oh my gosh, you all should have been there, it was like trying to talk to a 5 year old. He threw a fit and it honestly took me 35 minutes to convince him that an infection would be way worse to deal with. So, I got everything he needed and he wanted me to do it, so I tried to be gentle, but how is that possible when you just pour it on. Anyhow, from his expression you can see he was miserable, eyes watered up just like he was in 2nd grade at recess. I of course had to run straight to the camera and capture this one. He would be so mad if he knew I blogged this, but he should know by now, I couldn't pass up a story this good. After all was said and done he tried playing the, "honey now you have to take care of me for the next few days." LOL yeah well you shouldn't have tried playing the role of T.O. at a PRACTICE game and maybe I wouldn't be loving to see you moap around for a few days. It's been fun to see him try to sit from standing. He has definitely learned his lesson with this one. He hasn't played football since.
He actually took on a bit of a bigger role. COACH!! As some of the people that have been close to us the past few months know, Landen adores Adam and looks at him as his own dad. Well, Adam decided to surprise both of us actually and sign up to be Landens little league coach. Last week was the 1st practice and he did perfect. He is going to be the cutest little dad. Landen is really good at hitting and throwing, but needs a little help with the whole catching thing. So last Friday after he got home from work, we went outside and set everything up and practiced with Landen for 3 hours. He is going to be a good little 1st baseman. Adam is always saying his kids have to be the best at any sport and with all this, it made me feel good to know that he was talking about Landen too. Growing up I never had a decent relationship with my stepdad, so it's a blessing to see how much these two absolutely adore each other. Landen's week starts again on Sunday night and Adam keeps saying why don't you see if we can just keep him starting Thursday because I kind of miss the little "teed." Yeah, that's Landen's nickname from Adam and I have asked Landen before if it bugs him and he said hek no!! He loves it that Adam calls him that and doesn't want Adam to use that name for any other kid.
Sometimes it can be exhausting though. I have felt the benefits of being the only "girl" because they like to gang up on me and constantly do it. Not only that but I am adding another boy, so next baby needs to be a girl or I will just drive myself up the wall.
It's a small possibility that Adam may be going to Utah for the weekend, but the outlook doesn't look so great. It's his nephew's blessing and we haven't decided if he will be going for sure yet or not. Of course I won't be going. Besides the fact that I am 30 weeks and feel like a gigantic cow, I have to be here. Plus, all my close friends know, Utah and I we just don't meet eye to eye alot of the times!!! Plus, Adam will really only have time to go to the blessing, the rest of the weekend he has promised to our good friend T, who is going through a tough time right now. ANY SINGLE LADIES WANT TO GET HOOKED UP!! He is a keeper and a cu-tie!! He has to spend the weekend with T to convince him to move to AZ. Then, Adam would be the happiest person on the universe. He has his family, his sports (which can't be played all year around in UT) and his best friend!! Can't get much better than that... Happy weekend!!!!!!!
Oh, darn! I guess you aren't coming anymore. Oh, well. If you guys come to Utah in the near future, you have to let me know!!!
P.S. Post some belly pictures!!! :)
OUCH! Dude, are you and brian trying to hang or something on the injury list? :)
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