Oh my!! I somehow deleted my original post. So, I have
to start over. This is our friend Lori Floor (Widerberg)
little girl. They were all in an accident on Wednesday Feb.
20th. A car t-boned them and Lori was ejected. Lori and
Ashtin were life flighted and her son Coltonwas taken by
ambulance. Unfortunately, Ashtin didn't make it and passed
away on Thursday morning. Our thoughts and prayers are
with the family. As you can see just by this picture, she was
such an angel. She has returned to her heavenly father and I
can only imagine one day what her reunion will be like when
the rest of her family joins her. My husband has known this family
practically his whole life, as they were there for his family when
his dad was killed. We hope and pray Lori pulls through all of this,
if anyone reads this that knows the family please let us know how
everyone is doing. Adam has tried getting in touch with them and has had no luck.
I found your post through 'Google'. We're very good friends with both the Floor's and Jen (Widerberg). We only met Ashtin once, but she was a beautiful little girl full of spunk and energy. We are very saddened by her passing. It's good to know that so many people are there to provide their love and support for Lori and her family.
May Ashtin rest in peace.
Katie and Bob Dobson
West Jordan, UT
Did all three really get ejected from the car. I heard only Lori did. I have known Lori for a few years and my heart goes out to her and her family.
I also found your site through Google. I am Ashtin's aunt...Wes's sister. THANK YOU so much for this memorial. One of my brother's biggest fears is that people will forget Ashtin. But how could you ever forget that little girl? She was so tiny and so spunky...and boy could she give the meanest looks. :) My heart is absolutely broken...this has shattered our family beyond belief. She will be dearly missed by all. However, one day, we will reunite with our little angel in heaven...and that will be a glorious day!! Thank you again for this memorial. It means alot to my brother that you remembered his precious baby.
God bless you!
oh my gosh nina, i am in tears right now. she is the most adorable little girl ever! did the accident happen here in the valley? i cant even imagine. they will for sure be in my prayers!
I found your site through Google, I knew Lori, being her client and friend, and there was not an appointment that went by that she did not talk about Ashtin and all the cute things that she said. She also mentioned what a good father Wes was to Ashtin. My prayers go out to this special family and love to Colton as he goes through such a confusing time.
I also found your site through Google. I am Colton Livingston's step-mother. We have also been crushed by the loss of this beautiful little angel! She was such a joy in our lives, and we cherish the many "thleep obers" she had here at our house. Ashtin and my daughter Hadleigh considered each other sisters "because they shared Coco" (that's what they both called big brother Colton)
Colton is an amazing child, and Ashtin will forever be with him in his heart and memories. He continues to write to Ashy every night, and talks about her often. I admire his strength!
Colton suffered a skull fracture(left occipital condyle)and a bruised pancreas, and was at Primary Children's Hospital for 5 days. He has been in a c-collar for the past month. This past Monday afternoon, after additional x-rays his doctor decided it was safe to remove the c-collar. Lori also continues to recover from her numerous injuries. Her heart will forever be broken, as will Wes's, Ashtin's Daddy. Our hearts go out to all of those touched by this tragic accident. We appreciate your love, concern, support, and memorial.
As Hadleigh says "Ashy is dancing with the Angels now."
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