Ok, here we are again!! My belly bump at 24 weeks!!
See I told all of you that I feel twice as big!! I don't even
look pregnant, I look like a fat cow. When I got pregnant
with Landen, I gained 80 lbs. and I don't think anyone
knows how terrified I am of gaining excessive weight with
this pregnancy. See, last time I was pregnant I didn't care
so much for my ex husband, so being "fat" didn't bother me.
Then I left him and lost like 50 lbs and have been at a size 4
ever since. Now I am watching what I eat not drinking soda
and I still feel like I am gaining too fast!! HELP!! Does anyone
have any recommendations. I have only gained 20 lbs, but I got
pregnant and I was up 20 lbs. from stress. So, I am so super
motivated to drop all this weight the second my Dr. gives me
authorization to go to the gym. We are going to Hawaii in August
so, I will have 2 months to drop as much of the weight as possible.
So, has anyone else gone through this? This is the one and only thing
I hate about pregnancy.
what a cute baby belly!!! hang in there girl!! all that baby weight will come off.
as for videos....that is easy. When you are posting a new post just click on the little film picture (right next to the add picture button) that's how you upload a video!!
you kids will be that big soon!!
I know all too well your pain. The way I dealt with it is watching what I ate and being as active as I could so that I could say I did everything I could. Then when the weight came I could tell myself that that is what the baby needed. Just take care of that little boy and yourself, and worry about the weight later. And on the days you just want to cry...call me and I will just listen because I know how hard it is!
As always, you still look amazing!! And I still think you're the cutest pregnant woman ever!! :) Love you!
Hey,you look way better than I do! I don't necessarily gain alot, but my butt starts protruding as much as my belly, and it;s SO not cute! Hey, we're almost there....
Hey Nina! This is Lisa "Schott", now Niederhauser. Anyways, I just found you on here, and thought I would say hi! You look like you are doing so great, and you really are the cutest pregnant lady!
You write very well.
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