We had the blessing on Sunday and it was such and amazing experience for both Adam and I. Mostly because Adam usually doesn't get emotional unless it special or if he sees anyone cry. Then he does!! So,he started and didn't make it past the first part before he started to break down. He did such a great job.
We had everyone over after for lunch. Thanks Janelle for being the photographer once again. I am so glad some of our friends came. It was the perfect day!!
We just wanted to thank everyone who came, it meant so much to us to have everyone there. Our friends and family mean the world to us and we wouldn't have had it any other way.
Claudia, Grandma Johnson, Sister Bradford and anyone else that helped. Thank you so much for going out of your way to cook and help get the food prepared for this day.

The day was getting long so after everyone left Whit decided to stay the night!! I was super excited about this because it's been a very very long time since she wanted to spend time with me, probably didn't help that I use to be the biggest brat and don't blame her for not wanting to be around me.
So, we stayed up and played games and Mr. Cancer bum (aka. Sean) and I got in our goofy moods (only happens once in a blue moon) and I swear I always think that I annoy everyone because I am overly obnoxious. I was just excited to be there with all of them. So, we played buzz word and I don't think I laughed so much in my whole life. It was boys against girls and I especially loved it because Adam and I don't get very competetive with games, but oh my gosh I love seeing Katie and Aaron play. I really thought I was going to pee my pants because Aaron was determined to beat us and he was so serious about it!! Take a look for yourself he was concentrating very very hard. And of course I couln't leave out these funny glasses Claudia wore. They had lights at the ends!! Oh my such a fun night. So everyone left and Adam and I were laying in bed and I get a text from Adam's phone that says, "hey it's whit im upstairs and adam left his phone up here. Brycen and I are really bored and want to come down there and hang out." Of course I let them and we were up until about 2 am as I was telling them about their zodiac signs and what they mean. So much fun. It was very nice to hear Whitney tell me that she thinks I am alot nicer than before and she now likes hanging out with me!! I love you Whit and I am sorry if I have ever said anything in the past to hurt your feelings!!
P.S. the picture of Ryker and Quinn so funny. They gave them both swords and Quinn figured out how to fight with it before Ryker!! BYU ROCKS!!!!! No offense Mr. cancer bum

Go cougs! And go girls! We totally rocked at Buzz Word.
Adam did a great job and the food afterwards was soooooo yummy! Thanks for inviting us!!
Man - cute! That is some serious bonding there in Utah! Go family!
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