Saturday was so much fun. Adam and I slept in until 10 ( I love vacation) and when we woke up we took Brycen and picked up lunch and headed to Sean and Nells for a day of football for the guys and makeup, shopping and swiss days for us. We went to M.A.C for Janelle to use her giftcard and pick out some eyeshadow. She ended up getting my 2 favorites Cranberry and Georgeous Gold. Anyhow, then we headed up to Midway for Swiss days. I loved it!! There were so many things to look at I was overwhelmed and a bit anxious. So, I promised I wouldn't buy anything and I didn't. Except an elephant ear that Nell made me try!! Yummy!! We stayed about 2 hours and headed back. I love spending time with Janelle. She is so much fun and we love a lot of the same things so it was nice to have some sister time. We met up with Claudia too and I really had so much fun. After we left we went back to their place (oh but I have to throw in there we picked up Cafe Rio on our way back and I was so so so excited to eat my quesadilla) to eat and I couldn't eat it. THERE WAS 500 POUNDS OF CHEESE. AS IF THE GUY WHO MADE IT THOUGHT I NEEDED TO GAIN WEIGHT OR SOMETHING!! I am totally not over exagerating either, it was so gross that I was sassing about it and I am pretty sure I got on Janelle's last nerve so she made me the Janelle quesadilla (they are the best you should ask her to make you one) so so much better!! Thanks Janelle, you and your quesadilla's rock and thanks for putting up with my sassy bum!!

So, after all was said and done, I put krew in their bouncer and the cutest thing ever happened. I turn around to see Ryker standing up by the bouncer and had to quickly get my camera. He was doing his little froggy giggle so I thought for sure he was going to be cute with Krew. So, he climbed on the bouncer and peeked over the top and started laughing at Krew. Then Krew stared smiling and laughing and then 10 minutes later Janelle told me he likes to do that to suck on the bird. It was so adorable. I love him!!
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