Adam and I met in July of 2004 and were married in the Bountiful temple in December of 2005. I am from AZ so we moved back here in June of 2007. We have 3 boys. Landen 10 (previous marriage), Krew 3 and Kade 7 months. Oh yeah and we have 1 little dog, who is a daddy's princess and thinks she well...knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. I am the CEO of this wonderful family and Adam is the Founder and President. I have a masters degree in changing poopy diapers, cooking, cleaning, laundry and blogging. I speak a foreign language (baby talk).
Actually, I have been a Dental office manager for about 16 years at different offices and just started a new small business called Dental AR Solutions. I love being a mom and am so grateful that my husband allows me to be home to see our boys grow up.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

EMERGENCY ROOM VISIT #100000000000000000001

Seriously that's what is feels like.  So, Friday midday came and Adam was on his way home and called me to see if he should pick anything up from the grocery store.  So, I told him on the phone that I had this really bad pain on my upper right side below my ribs and it was nothing I felt before.  He said just to stay down and try to eat something and it will probably go away, but that we were not making another trip to the ER because they will just send me home.  So, he convinced me that I was over reacting.  So, when we go to sleep, the pain gets worse and I end up only sleeping probably like 2 hours.  We get up go downstairs and Adam is still convinced that I should just deal with hit because there is nothing they will do.  Finally, at like 1pm I get up go get dressed and tell him I am going whether he goes or not.  I told him he could stay if he wanted to but that I know something is wrong and I felt the urge to go.  So, we get there, I can barely walk into labor and delivery, she checks everything with the baby and says there is nothing they can do in OB and they were going to transfer me over to the ER.  So, when we get to the ER of course Adam makes a fuss because we now have to wait our turn to get back there.  So, we finally get back (only waited 20 min) and the nurse comes in does her thing and when the Dr comes in he is doing his exam and when he presses on my stomach where I was having the pain, I screamed so loud.  He explained where he was pressing is where my Gall Bladder is and he ordered an ultrasound.  Adam was like, "Ok well we are going to be here all night so I am going home to let the dog out and I will come right back."  Yeah right, given his past, he will go home sit on the couch for 30 min watch sports and then come back.  So, I told him the dog could wait but he insisted.  So, I told him to do whatever.  He left, I went back for my ultrasound (which took about 30 min) and when I was done it took about 45 min for the Dr to get the results and he came in to give me the news (might I remind you thats already close to and hour and a half and Adam is still not back).  So, he said I had 4 stones in my gall bladder and the Dr. doesn't want to induce me for another couple of weeks since I am only 34 wks along.  So, he said I would just have to deal with it until then.  So, I get released, by this time Adam is still not back and I leave the hospital because I was already waiting 20 min or so.  I get outside and wait....... and wait.......... finally I see him driving up.  Ok, as most of you know me, of course I am pissed as heck, well does anyone blame me!!  So, I open the car door and he is like, "Ok before you go off I need to tell you what happened."  I was like I am not going to listen to the story he is about to make up to get out of the dog house.  This is like seriously so messed up of him to do.  So, he says that he got pulled over for speeding (because he was trying to rush back to me) and because he didn't have a copy of his registration, insurance or his drivers license, the cop thought he stole the car and made him stand outside the car until he could figure out what was going on.  Of course I asked ok then where is your ticket!!  OH NO TICKET HMMMMM!! So, he said he finally told the cop that his wife is in the hospital and he didn't know whether I was having a baby or going in to have surgery and needed to leave.  So, he apologized and I finally cooled off after 15 minutes or so and was over it.  I tell this story this way because most of you that truly know me, know I am a grudge holding freak!!  I hold grudges seriously forever.  So, the fact that I was able to just say ok, and give him the benefit of the doubt was like graduating an IV league school.  It was so hard.  Since I have been on bed rest I have not been able to even go to church and so the sacrament is delivered and we sit and study Sunday night.  I was reading the Ensign a few months ago and there was a story about a family who had a 7 year old boy (see where this is going) and he was riding his bike in his neighborhood and a drunk driver hit him and killed him.  After this 18 year old kid got convicted and put in jail.  The mother and father of the 7 year old boy forgave him and hugged him before he got taken away in court and told his family they hold no ill feelings and that they had forgave him for what he did.  OK 1st of all that is huge.  I don't know if I could do all that right away, but it did make me realize that I get so upset when people do things to me and it could never hold a candle to what's really important in life, so if I start by forgiving for little things, I would be on my way up instead of pulling myself down.  Moral of this story!!  NEVER LET YOUR HUSBAND LEAVE THE HOSPITAL TO TEND TO HIS STUPID DOG!!  LOL Just kidding!!


Larvin and Ashley said...

Amen sister! You are a trooper! I hope other than that all is well. You and your stones will be in my prayers. Take care!

SBrooks said...

Holy cow girl! You need to get a requent travel card for the Gilbert ER like we just did. LOL! I miss ya! Take care of yourself!

Aimee said...

YAY!!! I can't wait for little P. I'm so stoked for him to get here so I can spoil him & come visit all the time!! I miss you! I hope everything else is going well, besides the fact that you've become a regular at the ER.


BandHGardner said...

Nina! I am so sorry you have to deal with your gall stones. No fun. Congrats on the baby on the way. You look beautiful. When you posted on my blog, the first thing I thought about you was the time you won money by calling into Power 92. Fun times.


Marci said...

Holy cow I can't believe what a small world it is. I am so glad you found my blog. I hope you are doing well and congratulations on the pregnancy. I am sorry you had such a bad night at the hospital, I have to say I would hold a grudge against my husband too if that happened.

Brooke Hunt (aka Mr. Burns) said...

Nina! I have not even known what happened to you! I am glad to find you- I NEVER check my blog, and post even less often- I am sad u have gall stones- sounds like u've had a rough road- hey I am proud of your forgive and forget experience- u r awesome! Have a great day- glad to find you (through MEGAN TURLEY...I MEAN ALLEN- small world!)

SunGood said...

Dang Nina! I hope you are doind ok! Poor thing!! At least you only have 2 more weeks..I have till Dec. 5th! Wow, that just seems forever away! I got that swimsuit at Kohl'ls of all places! I didn't have time to order one online, so I just did some frantic last minute shopping and lucked out on a couple! Keep me posted on your baby!!