Adam and I met in July of 2004 and were married in the Bountiful temple in December of 2005. I am from AZ so we moved back here in June of 2007. We have 3 boys. Landen 10 (previous marriage), Krew 3 and Kade 7 months. Oh yeah and we have 1 little dog, who is a daddy's princess and thinks she well...knows she has him wrapped around her little finger. I am the CEO of this wonderful family and Adam is the Founder and President. I have a masters degree in changing poopy diapers, cooking, cleaning, laundry and blogging. I speak a foreign language (baby talk).
Actually, I have been a Dental office manager for about 16 years at different offices and just started a new small business called Dental AR Solutions. I love being a mom and am so grateful that my husband allows me to be home to see our boys grow up.

Monday, February 25, 2008

In memory of Ashtin Kroon

Oh my!! I somehow deleted my original post. So, I have
to start over. This is our friend Lori Floor (Widerberg)
little girl. They were all in an accident on Wednesday Feb.
20th. A car t-boned them and Lori was ejected. Lori and
Ashtin were life flighted and her son Coltonwas taken by
ambulance. Unfortunately, Ashtin didn't make it and passed
away on Thursday morning. Our thoughts and prayers are
with the family. As you can see just by this picture, she was
such an angel. She has returned to her heavenly father and I
can only imagine one day what her reunion will be like when
the rest of her family joins her. My husband has known this family
practically his whole life, as they were there for his family when
his dad was killed. We hope and pray Lori pulls through all of this,
if anyone reads this that knows the family please let us know how
everyone is doing. Adam has tried getting in touch with them and has had no luck.


Ok, here we are again!! My belly bump at 24 weeks!!
See I told all of you that I feel twice as big!! I don't even
look pregnant, I look like a fat cow. When I got pregnant
with Landen, I gained 80 lbs. and I don't think anyone
knows how terrified I am of gaining excessive weight with
this pregnancy. See, last time I was pregnant I didn't care
so much for my ex husband, so being "fat" didn't bother me.
Then I left him and lost like 50 lbs and have been at a size 4
ever since. Now I am watching what I eat not drinking soda
and I still feel like I am gaining too fast!! HELP!! Does anyone
have any recommendations. I have only gained 20 lbs, but I got
pregnant and I was up 20 lbs. from stress. So, I am so super
motivated to drop all this weight the second my Dr. gives me
authorization to go to the gym. We are going to Hawaii in August
so, I will have 2 months to drop as much of the weight as possible.
So, has anyone else gone through this? This is the one and only thing
I hate about pregnancy.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Yeahhh!! I am so excited. My husband went out and found a job!! He starts on monday. I don't think anyone, well maybe Aimee and my mom, know how super so totally excited I am about this. Now I don't have to constantly stress out about how we are going to pay every single bill. He will be working for a good company that is offering him awesome benefits. He will get to use his spanish too so I am excited. He is really excited as well, he can't wait to dress up in a shirt and tie every single day. LOL!! He was a champ throughout this hard search. Always putting up with my crabby attitude. I am really over being pregnant and want this baby out now so I can get back to living a normal life. I have to stop growing, I feel like a beached whale. I forgot what it's like being pregnant and don't know how I am going to live through 3 more pregnancies. Maybe the husband will get a taste of sleepless nights and crying pooping babies and change his mind. Just kidding. Kuddos to you babe, I love ya!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So, I have been trying to figure out what colors to choose for
Preston's room. I finally came up with this. My mom actually
bought everything you see in this picture the only thing that is
missing is the baby's changing table. I love it and am glad I picked
these colors. We are going to paint one wall in his room probably
dark brown suede or blue suede, I haven't decided on that yet.
Next thing is for Adam to clear out that room so we can get the
crib up and going.

Friday, February 15, 2008


OK so a lot of people have been requesting a picture of what my belly looks like so
here it is. This is my belly at 21 weeks. I am now 23 weeks and feel like I am twice as big.

So the update on my cardiologist appointment!! We went in yesterday super early and it took
about 3 hours for them to be done. The Dr. sat down and told us it is called EIF. Echogenic Intracardiac Focus. He explained that a lot of Dr's see that and react right away because it is linked to congenital heart disease. He explained that what Preston has is a calcium deposit in the pulmonary muscle of the left ventricle and he probably got it during the stage at which his heart is developed. He then said it is nothing that we need to worry about and he is not going to watch it any furhter. Adam and I have no history of heart disease in our family so little Preston will be just fine. I then spoke to my sis in law and she said she went through the same thing but her baby had a calcium deposit in his liver or lungs and that her Dr. said that if we looked at everyone under and ultrasound we would probably find one in everyone. That was such a relief to hear.
We just want to thank everyone for all of your support and kindness. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. My friend Stephanie just let me know too that her baby had the same thing, so I think this is more common then I thought. I am still researching it because I just like to know everything about it. I feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders and I know Heavenly Father has taken a huge part in that. So, now I just need to make it through these next few months until he arrives. I absolutely hate bed rest, I swear if I ever have to do it again, I am requesting my friend Aimee to come down and keep me company. It is seriously the most boring thing in the world. I finally told my husband that he gets to do all the laundry and climb 3 flights of stairs from now until Preston is here so I can make sure I can go to work everyday. It's much better for me to be at work then right in front of the TV memorizing commercial after commercial. Thanks again to everyone friends, family and co-workers. We love you all.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Ok so as most of you know, we have been dealt a great hand in this pregnancy. So, just to let everyone else kind of know what is going on here is a up to date for you. So, last week I spent Sat night and Monday afternoon in the ER and stayed down the rest of the week to be back to work on Monday this week. Might I say too, that it sucked!! It was the most boring week ever. I would much rather be working or doing something productive instead of staring at the TV all day long. It got so bad, that now I have like 100 commercials memorized word for word. So, Friday was my appointment with my actual OBGYN and when I woke up and went to my appointment alone because Adam was somewhere in Phoenix. So, when I get there she just went over my trips to the ER and told me being in bed was the best thing I could have done this week and she released me to return to work on Monday.

So, then she had told me that she got the results back from my ultrasound and she wanted to discuss something with me. (All of you that have kids know that when something like that is said, its no good). Being that I was alone I think she was hesitant to spill the beans. She said that little Preston has a heart condition called echogenic something something... some big long word that is too big for my vocab. So, as my eyes started swelling up she told me that I would need to have a fetal echocardiogram done and she had to rush through a preapproval from my insurance company. She said that 2 things can happen with this. 1- He will grow out of it by the time he is born or shortly after. 2- He will have to have surgery done right after he is born. So, this morning at work, I got the call from the cardiologist. My appointment is tomorrow morning at 7:30 A.M.!!

So, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as I am so stressed and scared about all of this. The thing that scares me the most is what news will come next. My worst fear as a mother is seeing my child in any amount of pain at all and I don't want know how I would get through it, but I guess I just need to take it day by day.

Monday, February 4, 2008


So my in-laws had their baby boy on January 31,2008. They named him Ryker Sean Olson. Yeah, I am so happy for them, he is so sweet. I would post a picture but they haven't done that yet, so I will let them do it first. I won the bet too. I bet that he would come on thursday and he did!! Now lets hope mine comes when i predict him to. I can't wait to come up and see them and hold little Ryker. I am also so excited now to have little Preston join us in 4 months. Hopefully just because he will be the youngest of all his little boy cousins, he won't be picked on. But, I am excited to see all these little tykes play together. It's kind of cool because all the Olson brothers had boys for their first borns and all of their middle names are their daddys names. So, Corbin Ryan, Quinn Aaron, Ryker Sean and soon to come Preston Adam. So sweet.
We went to have the ultra sound done on Thursday, all went well. So, on Saturday Adam left to go to the counting crows concert and I had been really sad and stressed all day, so come saturday night i started leaking fluid and I thought I peed, but it kept coming, so I called my Dr. and she told me to go to the ER, so I text Adam to tell him I have to go to the hospital.....no response. So, I found a ride there. Landen stayed with his friend down the street until I got back because I couldn't get a hold of my husband. So, I went and I thought oh great I am going to be here for like 5 hours because the ER was full. Oh, but I didn't they took me right back (I think because I am this far along, something must be serious). So, after a bunch of tests, the Dr. confirmed that I am leaking amniotic fluid and put me on strict bed rest. Well, that phrase does not exist in my vocab because currently, I am the only one working, so he explained I had to stay in bed until Monday morning and at work I couldn't be up and around all day, and I had to drink lots of water. They gave me a shot of tributaline for my contractions YES THAT'S RIGHT, I WAS IN PRETERM LABOR. It was the worst shot, it freaking stung so so so bad, I wanted to cry. So, hopefully the leaking won't come back and baby will be fine. I just need to take it extra easy, which means hopefully I can get a break from doing housework. HOPEFULLY!! We will see if Adam can handle housework. I mean he should be able to right, it's not like it takes 7 hours to do housework and if your home anyways...... I'm rambling!!