Oh my!! I somehow deleted my original post. So, I have
to start over. This is our friend Lori Floor (Widerberg)
little girl. They were all in an accident on Wednesday Feb.
20th. A car t-boned them and Lori was ejected. Lori and
Ashtin were life flighted and her son Coltonwas taken by
ambulance. Unfortunately, Ashtin didn't make it and passed
away on Thursday morning. Our thoughts and prayers are
with the family. As you can see just by this picture, she was
such an angel. She has returned to her heavenly father and I
can only imagine one day what her reunion will be like when
the rest of her family joins her. My husband has known this family
practically his whole life, as they were there for his family when
his dad was killed. We hope and pray Lori pulls through all of this,
if anyone reads this that knows the family please let us know how
everyone is doing. Adam has tried getting in touch with them and has had no luck.